
Lord Arthur Saviles Crime
Lord Arthur Saviles Crime

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Author: Oscar Wilde, Narrator: Stan Pretty

Playtime: 1 hour 30 minutes

The main character, Lord Arthur Savile, is introduced by Lady Windermere to Mr Septimus R. Podgers, a chiromantist, who reads his palm and tells him that it is his destiny to be a murderer. Lord Arthur wants to marry, but decides he has no right to do so until he has committed the murder.

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Chapter 1
Lord Arthur Saviles Crime - Oscar Wilde
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    Book Review
    04 Nov 2020
    Travel deeply, do it cheaply is a free publication by Penroads. The 46 paged book extensively touches on the core aspects of traveling. These include budgeting, timing, and destinations, among other valuable concerns. The author has an interesting way of holding the reader’s attention to the end. His writing style is simple but concise. He offers a lot of clarity on issues that might trouble a traveler’s mind. Apart from concise writing, readers get exposed to creative visuals too. These include travel pics, quotes, screenshots, and checklists. It is fair to say it is impossible to get bored while reading this book. Each page prompts the reader to read the next. If you aren’t too busy, you can read it in less than an hour. Get your free copy from
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