Reinventing yourself and your life can be challenging, but it’s worthwhile. Remember that your life veered off-track by making poor choices on a consistent basis. You can reverse that process by taking charge and moving in a positive direction.
Take the time to find the most pivotal area of your life that will have the greatest impact once it’s changed.
It can be overwhelming when you decide to change your life, especially when everything seems to be working against you. The best advice is to get started. Fix one area of your life and then move on to another. It’s like eating an elephant. You attack it one bite at a time.
Even the most challenging of circumstances can be overcome with a process that moves you forward! Use these tips to start reinventing your life today and live the life of your dreams!
“Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success.
They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.”
- Ross Perot
Many thanks
To my friends and family, for all their support and help, which greatly contributed to the completion of this work.
To my parents, brother and my wife who encouraged me in difficult times and understood my absence while I dedicated myself to this work.

Fred Clas
Mar 2020
Main author Ravi S. Iyer created the blog and used it mainly from September 2011 to end 2014 to play a part-time, peaceful and amicab...
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