Change your life from 2.0 to 2.1 by Frédéric Clas - HTML preview

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Better Your Odds

Think about what it will take to be successful in reaching your goal. It’s possible that you already have everything you need. But you’ll probably find you’re missing a few resources.

  1. Are there people you want to add to your life? If you’re writing your first screenplay, you might require an agent, editor, or even a friendly English professor. Consider who can assist you with achieving your goal. All big goals require resources. Avoid thinking that you can do it all alone.
  1. What new knowledge do you need? If you want to become a real estate investor, you might want to acquire some knowledge about your local real estate laws. Regardless of your goal, you’ll likely need some information that you don’t currently possess.
  1. Which habits do you want to change or add? Our lives are ultimately the result of our habits. Overeating once in a while doesn’t result in being overweight. Skipping the vacuuming once in a while doesn’t make your house a mess. It’s the things we do on a regular basis that move our lives forward or backwards.
  1. Which habits do you want to drop? If you’re looking to earn your degree, you’d probably be better off if you eliminate your procrastination habit.
  1. What habits do you want to add? If you’re trying to lose weight, then maybe you’d like to add an exercise habit. If you want to write a novel, consider making it a habit to write for an hour each day. If you’re looking for more friends, you might want to add a hobby to your life that involves others.
  1. Create a new routine that incorporates the behaviors necessary for success. Embrace your new routine and stick to it. Just like a goal, a routine will only be successful if it’s achievable and you work at it.

Your routine could include making 10 cold calls or packing a healthy lunch each day. Or you might decide to spend an hour researching investments or working out at the gym.


You will never change your life until you change

something you do daily.


- Mike Murdock





Create a Morning Ritual

The positive actions you take on a continuous basis add up over time and give you the results you desire. One of the best ways to change your life is to develop positive habits.

We all have a morning routine. The way you start your morning has a huge impact on the rest of your day. If you get off to a good start, you’ll probably have a good day. If Monday goes well, the rest of your week will likely follow suit. A good week frequently leads to a great month!

Consider these suggestions when building a new morning ritual:

  1. If you want to be on time for work, make getting ready a priority. This is a simple concept that many people ignore.
  1. It’s easy to drop the latter parts of your routine if you’re running late. If getting ready for work is the last part of your routine, you’re in trouble.
  1. Review your goals before getting out of bed. Take two minutes to daydream about achieving your goals each morning. The perfect time to review your goal is during that time when you’re half-awake and half-asleep.
  1. Drink some water as soon as you wake up. You haven’t had anything to drink for approximately 8 hours. You’re most likely dehydrated. Have a glass of water. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel.
  1. Get some exercise. If you want to go for a 10 mile run each morning, that’s great. However, it doesn’t have to be that strenuous. Instead, take a 20-minute walk to get your blood flowing. Lifting weights or doing calisthenics are other good ideas.
  1. This doesn’t have to be your main workout. But if you get moving early on, you’ll be more alert and have a better morning at work.
  1. Eat a healthy meal. If you start out the day eating healthy, you’re more likely to eat well for the rest of the day.
  1. Participate in a meaningful or relaxing activity after getting ready for work. Read a few pages of a book that inspires you, spend 15 minutes playing the piano, or meditate. It’s completely up to you!

A few simple changes to your morning routine can have a positive impact on the rest of your day and enhance your life. You’ll be on time for work, feel more relaxed, and have a healthier lifestyle.

When you have an efficient morning ritual, you can gain an extra 15 minutes each day. That adds up to over 90 hours in a year. Imagine how much you can accomplish with 90 extra hours!

Take the time to create a morning routine that works for you.


“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege

it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then

make that day count!”


― Steve Maraboli


Create an Evening Ritual

It’s also a good idea to have an evening routine.

Take time to review your goal again. Consider what you can do for a few minutes each evening that will add up to something significant over time. For example, you could spend 15 minutes working on a blog or reading a book.

Create a relaxing routine that will allow you to sleep soundly. Meditating before bed could be part of your ritual. Many sleep experts recommend that the bed be used for nothing other than sleeping and sex. Watching television in bed can cause insomnia. Train yourself to associate the sight of your bed with sleep.

Your ritual ought to get you in bed early enough so you’re getting a sufficient amount of sleep.

Here’s one way to know if you’re well rested. Think about what time you’d get up if you didn’t have an alarm. If it’s more than 30 minutes later than your current wake-up time, you likely need more sleep.


The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.


-Mike Murdock