Indian Computer Science (CS) & Information Technology (IT) Academic Reform (Past) Activism Blog Book by Ravi S. Iyer - HTML preview

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Truth Telling - A Tough Job


Associated blog post date: 2nd Oct. 2012, link: , short link:

Trying to be a truth-teller in today's world is a tough job. It is an unpopular affair.

I recently saw a few videos and read articles about how the great physicist Feynman faced the same challenges when he investigated the Challenger disaster. It was an eye-opener to me that even such a world-famous physicist had to face significant resistance from powerful administrators. If you have not seen it I recommend you see this 4 min 42 sec. video, Richard Feynman - Space Shuttle Challenger Investigation, [archived link: (short link: ) for following broken link] The official view now seems that Feynman did catch the real problem:

The wiki page above states the following (He is Richard Feynman):

--- start extract ---

He concluded that the space shuttle reliability estimate by NASA management was fantastically unrealistic, and he was particularly angered that NASA used these figures to recruit Christa McAuliffe into the Teacher-in-Space program. He warned in his appendix to the commission's report (which was included only after he threatened not to sign the report), "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."[174]


[Wiki Ref:]

174. Richard Feynman. "Appendix F – Personal observations on the reliability of the Shuttle", Kennedy Space Center. Retrieved September 11, 2017.

--- end wiki extract ---

My respect for the great physicist Richard Feynman went up enormously after I recently came to know of the above human goodness side and the sheer *guts* to speak out the truth in the face of powerful opposition side of him.

So, I guess, it is always a challenge to be a truth-teller - material truth-teller - and far more challenging perhaps to be a spiritual truth-teller (e.g. The saying goes: Sathyam Bhruyath Priyam Bhruyath Na Bhruyath Sathyam Apriyam. [English translation: Speak the truth; speak the pleasant truth; don't speak the unpleasant truth.]

Perhaps the safe path is to just put out one's views on the Internet and provide opinions only if people ask - a low-key activism and not a pushy activism.