![All New Design](/resources/img/allnew.png)
Before I get into content sharing
automation, I want to highlight one
other important reason why you
should re-purpose your content. If
your audience members keep seeing
that you talk about the same stuff over
and over again, chances are, you will
lose them.
People want to hear new stuff. People want you to explore other related needs of theirs. They don't want you to basically keep recycling the same stuff over and over again. Unfortunately, that's precisely the kind of risk you're running if you simply focus on giving people more of the same successful stuff.
You know that a particular content theme works. You know it gets a lot of engagement. You know that it draws a lot of clicks. It's perfectly natural for you to want to keep recycling that same theme. Don't do it.
Focus on the very best way to present that theme and stick with that. Just do it a few times, but focus more on re-purposing. This way, when people get into contact with your content, they can see that you are talking about something that appeals to them, but in different formats. They are more likely to pay attention. They're more likely to click through. They're more likely to share.
Keep this in mind when it comes to re-purposing. Don't think that chapter 11 is completely optional. It isn't. You want your social media feeds to consist of highly successful content as much as possible.
It really would be a shame to figure out what works, only for you to get lazy and just focus on text content. I'm sorry to say it, but text content can only take you so far. Which brings me to content sharing automation. Since you're going to be 60
sharing a lot of content, and much of this content being thrid party as well as original and re-purposed content, you're probably going to have your hands full if you decide to do this manually.
First of all, since you're going to be covering many different platforms and sharing different formats on those platforms, you have a lot of forms to fill out over and over again. Sure, you may have created an account once for each of those platforms, but submitting to those places require you to fill in forms.
Posting on Facebook involves form filling.
Now, if you really don't have that much content to share, this should be barely manageable. But if you are looking to maximize your visibility by publishing on your social media accounts several times a day, you need to automate.
Unfortunately, simply plugging in information into content publishing tools is not going to do you much good. You have to know when to publish.
Believe it or not, the vast majority of your target audience members check their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube accounts within a certain block of time every single day. Post outside of that block of time and you miss the eyeballs of the vast majority of your audience members.
Sounds good so far, right? Well, here's the problem: different audiences have different time preferences. How would you know? This is where experimentation comes in.
First, you're going to have to share your content randomly at different times of the day. As much as possible, share content every hour. Set your content automation tools to publish every hour. Let this run for about a week or two.
After the experimental period is over, check your stats. Facebook Insights, for example, will tell you when most of your page fans checked out your content.
Armed with this information, you should set up your automated software to publish your content in a cluster to fit those optimal times.
For example, in the experimental stage, you're publishing one piece of content every hour. That's 24 pieces of content spread out over a full 24 hours. After you checked Facebook Insight, it turned out that 80% of your content views actually 61
take place between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. You then take those 24 posts and compress them within that 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. window.
This is how you publish in clusters. Forget time blocks outside of that time frame.
This way, you maximize your chances of the right eyeballs seeing your content.
Special Notes for Twitter
If you are going to be publishing on
Twitter, re-publish your content
many times during the day at the
most optimal time frame. Facebook
Insight already told you that your
content is being viewed within a
specific time frame. Chances are,
your Twitter fans have the same
social media viewing habits. Stick to that time frame.
Now, here's the secret. Set up your automated content publishing tools to tweet out your best content many times during that time frame, but you also have to rotate different hashtags. This way, you can reach different people looking for hashtags that are related to different subsegments of your niche.
Special Notes for Facebook
When publishing to your Facebook
page, don't hesitate to publish original
content that you have published before.
Try to avoid publishing only once.
Instead, you should sandwich or
schedule this re-published successful
content in between high
quality, curated content.
This way, people get more exposure to your best content. Once they click through, you get yet another chance to recruit them to your mailing list.
Remember, when you share high quality third party content, you're not getting the traffic. You're building credibility, but you're not getting potential list members to your squeeze page. That's just not happening. When you share your own original content, you get a chance to recruit them to your squeeze page.
Keep this distinction in mind. This is the reason why you should re-publish your most successful content by interspersing it with top rated curated content.
Chapter 13 - Scale Up Your Targeting
When you're publishing on Facebook
and Twitter, you can use hashtags.
This is definitely true with
Instagram. Regardless of the
platform you're on, make sure you
play around with how you categorize
or tag your content.
In any niche, there are many different tags available. Experiment with these. See which tags get the most attention from the social media platform you're sharing a piece of content on.
Of course, you're not going to find the magical combination of hashtags overnight. That's not going to happen. This is one of those things that you're going to have to find out by doing it over a long period of time.
Still, when you run these experiments, a pattern should emerge. Sooner or later, you would discover that certain hashtags produce a lot more results than others.
They draw a lot more eyeballs. They get a lot more attention. Most importantly, they get a lot more engagement. Stick with those.
Experiment with Tagging Niche-Focused Influencers When you're doing research on
hashtags on Twitter, for example,
you would be able to find
influencers that specialize in those
hashtags. These people just love to
post content related to certain
topics. They use a narrow range of
hashtags every time
they post. It seems that's all they focus on.
Find these people. Look at their content. Are people retweeting them a lot? Are they getting a lot of love for their content? Do they get a lot of engagement? Are people responding via Twitter? It should be fairly easy to see which accounts are influential in your niche and which aren't.
Don't just focus on how many followers they have. Instead, look at the total amount of engagement they get, and also pay attention to the ratio of followers they have to the number of accounts they follow.
For example, if I find Mike Smith to be a big poster in my niche because it seems that he just seems to rotate among the ten hashtags that are most relevant to my niche, I look at his followers in relation to the number of accounts he's following.
If he's only following one person, yet he's being followed by 15,000 people, Mike Smith might be an influential person.
I say that he might be because I'm also going to have to look at the engagement levels of his posts. Are his posts getting a lot of retweets? Are a lot of people responding? Are a lot of people clicking the heart icon? If his content has these factors, then his account is probably worth following.
Most importantly, you should tag influential people on Twitter when you post. You use your most powerful hashtags and you mention them on your post. This can help you get on their radar. These people would be put on notice that you are also sharing content that is similar to the stuff that they are interested in.
If they check out your stuff and they like what they see, don't be surprised if they share your content with their following. Engage with them. Let them know about your questions or suggestions.
In fact, you should engage with them so much that you can possibly create a relationship where they would publish your guest posts if they're bloggers, or discuss whatever it is you're doing on their social media platforms.
At the very least, when you partner with them, they become part of your content distribution network. In fact, a lot of them can even get you interviewed on influential blogs in your niche.
Don't think that influencer engagement is simply restricted to tagging people.
That's just the beginning. That's actually the tip of the iceberg. They can do so much more for you. You just have to continuously engage them and be social.
This doesn't mean that you have to kiss their butt. This doesn't mean that your stock response to all of their posts is, "Amazing post" or "Great post. I love it."
That's not going to work.
That's not going to push the ball far enough. You have to actually engage. And often times, this might seem like you're criticizing them. This might seem that you are offering a negative view, but you need to get their attention. You need to bring home the point that you actually know your stuff and that you are also credible in the same niche space.
That's how you get them to take you seriously. That's the kind of engagement that builds respect. Otherwise, you're just going to look like another member of the choir. They really don't have any incentive to interview you or post your guest content. Why should they? You're not really sharing any information or suggesting any points of view that are different or distinctive.
Experiment with
Paid Traffic
Only after you have spent a lot of
time drumming up free traffic from
social media marketing should you
even think of buying traffic. I know
this sounds a bit extreme, but it's
the absolute truth. Why? Well, in the beginning, you don't know when your target audience members will be reading your content. In the beginning, you don't know what their demographic breakdown looks like.
How many males compared to females are in your audience pool? Do males or females like certain types of content that you share? What are their age ranges?
Where are they located?
I hope you see the big picture here. You have to use free traffic to do initial audience intelligence. Once you've gotten all these important insights, you can then start paying for Facebook ads and other platforms' ads.
If you start any earlier than this point, you probably would end up wasting your money. Study your statistics first. Pay close attention to audience patterns. Take out ads based on these patterns.
Chapter 14: Sell to Your List Differently
At this point, you have turned social
media traffic into list members.
Congratulate yourself. You've managed
to do something the vast majority of
social media marketers cannot do or,
worse yet, don't even think about doing.
It's quite an accomplishment.
Unfortunately, even at this point, it's still too easy to drop the ball. In fact, a lot of people who have mailing lists stay with one mailing list. They think that as long as people who visit their blogs sign up to their mailing list, they are good.
Well, at a certain level, they're correct. A certain percentage of those list members will buy affiliate products that you promote on your list. A certain fraction of your mailing list will buy your original products. Some may even visit your online store and buy merchandise.
But the problem here is that if you accept this scenario, you are settling for cents on the dollar. You really are. Don't you want to maximize the value of all the hard work, focus and energy you invested in your venture? Wouldn't you want to maximize your return on effort?
If you want to get maximum results from your mailing list, you have to sell your list differently. There are really no two ways about it. Every other approach would lead to, at best, mediocre results, or, at worst, no results at all. Keep the following tips in mind.
Use Different Content on Your List
When people join your mailing list,
chances are, they joined because they
got exposed to some of your content.
They already know what you talk
about. They are already familiar with
the quality of your content. They
understand the themes that you focus
on. That's why it doesn't make any sense for you to feature the same exact content on your list.
Sure, you may make some changes—you might change the title, you might even switch things around—but people aren't dumb. They can see right through that.
They can see that you are recycling content and feeding them stuff that they have probably seen before.
Do you think this kind of practice builds confidence? Do you believe that doing things this way will build trust? Of course, not. You have to use different content.
What kind of content will you have to use? Well, first of all, you already know what your most popular pieces of content are. Start with these.
No, I'm not talking about republishing them. I'm talking about analyzing them and seeing where the gaps are. Are there any questions that are left unanswered?
Are there any questions that were raised by the answers that you gave in those popular pieces of content? These should be enough to get your mind going as to the kind of finely tuned, high value content that you're going to be sharing on your list.
Remember, your updates are the ultimate reward to your list members. Sure, you may have positioned your squeeze page to reward subscribers with a premium, but once they downloaded that premium, they really have no other incentive to keep reading your emails. Do you see how that works?
So do yourself a big favor and make sure that the update content you send is the reward. That's how you get people to open your emails and read your materials over and over again. Reward them for being on your list.
Don't drop your guard, don't take it easy, don't give in to laziness. This is your time to rise and shine. Everything else that happened before this was just dress 69
rehearsal. This is it. This is where the rubber meets the road. And you better perform.
Use Premium Content
If you really want to hit the ball out of
the park with your mailing list, send
updates that really highlight how
original the content is. How do you do
this? Use social proof or case studies.
These are testimonials of people that
have taken your advice or who have
experienced certain things that you
talk about.
When people read these stories, they can't help but be engaged. They can't help but be absorbed into the narrative. These people sharing their testimonies are real flesh and blood human beings with real problems that your readers can relate to. That's the kind of compelling content that will take your list to a whole other level.
Why? Most of your competitors are just recycling their stuff. Sure, they're recycling their best stuff because that material is tried and proven, but they're not really distinguishing themselves. They're not really doing their brand any favors by taking the easy way out.
You have to commit to doing things differently. This is how you build loyalty around your content. Remember, when you're running a mailing list, your content is composed of the emails you send out. No more, no less.
Upsell, Upsell, Upsell
I can't say that word "upsell"
enough. If you want your list to
make money, you have to upsell.
Now, you don't have to be a hero.
You don't have to overdo this. You
don't have to come off like some
sort of super salesman.
If you're like most people, you know
how annoying pushy salespeople are. You probably will push back. You will probably tune them out and unsubscribe. I can't say I blame you. That's how most normal people respond to pushy salespeople.
By upsell, I am just telling you to send content that highlights a problem and a solution. That's all upselling is. You remind people of their range of problems and you remind them of certain solutions to them.
Now, of course, just like with most things in life, there are good solutions and even better ones. Your job is to send email updates that get people excited about finding a solution and laying out common solutions that are good, but are not the best.
What you're doing here is you're drawing their attention to the very best solution to their problems. For example, if you run a social media marketing mailing list, you can tell people that creating picture quotes and videos from pictures is a great solution to their original content needs.
But an even better solution would be to automate these materials where people just click on images and all of a sudden a video is created. It saves a tremendous amount of time, effort, energy, and most importantly, the created video would then automatically be uploaded to their social media accounts.
That's the kind of distinction between "good enough" solutions and "obviously superior" solutions. That's how you upsell people to your list. You're still providing value, you're still answering their questions, you're still addressing their needs, but you're laying out a range of options.
They can try to do things on their own or try to do things the way most people handle the problem, or they can try something else. When they look at that
"something else," that's when you sell your affiliate product, your original product, or your service. Regardless of how you do it, you need to upsell, upsell, upsell.
I wish I could tell you that this was easy. I wish I could tell you that this is just a simple matter of laying out some alternatives and then playing up the best solution. The best solution, of course, pays you a commission and you make money off each sale.
Unfortunately, it's not that easy and it's not that simple. Here's the reason. When people join your mailing list, they actually have different motivations. Some people are there because they just want to get the freebie, but they're too lazy to unsubscribe.
You cannot really get rid of these people. These people don't open your emails.
They cannot be bothered with reading your emails. They really don't do you much good. In fact, they can harm you because if there's enough of these list squatters on your list, your mailing list provider will charge you more money at the end of every month.
You have to actively filter your list based on open rates so you can get rid of these individuals. Again, you cannot eliminate them entirely, but you can minimize their numbers.
Other people are initially excited about your mailing list, but for some reason, they stopped reading your emails. Even others constantly check your emails, and they really love what you have to share, but the problem is, they feel that your premium offers are simply too expensive.
Now, let me clue you in on a secret. When somebody tells you that whatever you're offering is "too expensive" or "too unaffordable," what they're really trying to say is that you haven't completely sold them on it yet.
Alternatively, you haven't completely filtered them yet. Either they're not motivated enough or you did not give them enough reasons to be motivated.
Regardless, they're still on the fence. You need to push them off the fence.
Expert salespeople know this because in the big scheme of things, there is no such thing as "unaffordable."
If you talk to somebody and you convince that person that they absolutely need to buy your product, there's really no difference between a $10 product and a $1,000 product. They will get that product because you have elevated their perception of that product to the realm of need.
People take care of their needs first. Their wants are often left at the back burner. I hope you understand this. I hope you get this. It's not because your affiliate product is too expensive in absolute terms. Instead, it's because you have failed to either qualify the prospect or make your case.
And this is why simply upselling by itself is not going to work. You have to take the next step, which I'm going to describe below.
Use the $1 List Filtration Method
You have to filter your list members
into two groups: interested people
and interested people who buy. These
are two totally different groups of
Now, please understand that just
because people open your emails
religiously, it doesn't necessarily mean
that they would buy from you. Like I said above, maybe you did not present your case properly. Maybe you did not qualify them properly.
This $1 list filtration technique that I'm going to teach you enables you to filter your list members properly. What you would do is, instead of trying to upsell people to $19.95, $34.95, $349.50, or any other similarly priced products, everything that you're going to be selling on your general list will be priced $1.
No more, no less.
By general list, I'm talking about the list all people who sign up to your mailing list get on. This is your default list. I want you to treat this general list as your 73
starting list. This is kind of like the vast, unfiltered, generic mass of people who are interested in your brand.
When you upsell people using $1 offers, you enable people to segregate themselves based on their motivations. These are people who are motivated enough to spend $1. In other words, they see the value in your content and they are willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Now, here's the secret. There's really very little distance between paying $1 for something and paying $100 for something. This is a lesson I learned first hand.
When I first tried this, I thought the only people that will get on my dollar list are cheapskates. These are misers. In the back of my mind, I thought that they're just not going to buy big ticket items. Boy, was I proven wrong.
If somebody is able to psychologically hurdle the distance between zero and $1, they can, given enough exposure and enough content, hurdle the difference between $1 and $100. This is not theory, nor is it speculation. I see this all the time with my own two eyes.
Your job is to filter your general list. You're basically telling people, when you run these $1 offers, to prove to you whether they are just interested or truly interested. This is a self segregating mechanism. Use it.
People who sign up for your general list are interested in quality content. That's what they're there for. But only a fraction of them would actually be willing to pay money. You make your money off this "golden fraction." You use your buyer's list to make real money.
Again, you have to sell to your list differently. This applies to your two types of mailing lists as well. Your general list, they get quality information that is distinctive like social proof and case studies along with upsell messages. Your buyer's list, on the other hand, get more in depth material with higher value upsells.
Again, if somebody's willing to go from zero to $1, you have a tremendous opportunity to get that person to go from $1 to $100, $1,000, or whatever 74
amount you want. Now, keep in mind that the higher the dollar value, the lower the conversion rate, but you get the point.
You have to get people to segregate themselves based on their readiness, willingness and eagerness to buy. And since $1 is essentially "friction free," this list filtration method works like a charm.
Chapter 15 - Reinvest Your Profits the
Right Way
By this point, the $1 filtration
method has enabled you to make a
decent chunk of cash every single
month from social media traffic. The
next step is to create a business.
At this point, you might be feeling
that you're just engaged in a hobby.
It's a well paid hobby, but still a hobby nonetheless. This too can be a trap. This can hold you back from the great success that you could otherwise achieve with social media traffic.
How do you turn the information that I shared with you into a platform for a business that can withstand the test of time? Simple: reinvest your profits the right way.
Move into Other Niches after You Master Your System This training helps you identify your
target niche. I've also given you the
techniques to do well in that niche
using social media traffic. Once you've
made quite a bit of money on your
niche and this money comes in month
after month, you have to think big.
You have to look into
other niches that are related to your current niche.
This thinking is actually pretty straightforward. If you have already mastered your niche to the point that you're making automatic income month after month, then you can apply the same system to other niches that are closely related to the one you're in.
This is how you scale up your business. Instead of just one stream of cash, you build many different streams of cash based on the system that you mastered.
You know what hashtags to target, you know what kind of content gets eyeballs, you know how to present information on social media, you know how to promote a mailing list. These and many others form part of your system. It really would be a shame to restrict that system to just one niche.
Once you've mastered those, find niches related to those and grow into these other fields. Highly successful list marketers don't just operate one list. They operate dozens. And this translates to six, if not seven-figure incomes year after year. If they can do it, so can you.
Buy More Targeted Traffic after You Find Out What Works Once you have discovered the type
of content marketing strategy on
Facebook that works, you can buy
targeted traffic. How? Use
Facebook's look alike technology to
target people who share the same
interest profile as your existing
This is what's so awesome about Facebook. This is also what gets them into all sorts of hot water.
Believe it or not, accept it or not, Facebook is spying on you the moment you log in to the platform. It pays attention to what you like, it pays attention to what you comment on, it pays attention to what your friends like, and it makes all 77
sorts of predictions regarding your behavior and your interests. Accordingly, if you like certain topics, it creates an interest profile.
Facebook's look alike audience technology enables you to find people who haven't visited your Facebook page who share the same interest profile as your current fans. Talk about an amazing technology. Take advantage of this. It enables you to show your brand in front of eyeballs who are more likely to appreciate it.
Invest in More Original Content
You might want to invest in original
content. If you're already making a
decent profit from your current
system, you might want to take
things to the next level and add a lot
more value to the lives of people
following your brand on different
social media platforms as well as in
your blog or website with original content.
Now, This doesn't mean that you have to roll up your sleeves and write everything yourself. You can hire professional writers to do this. Thanks to global outsourcing, you can get high quality original content from places like ozki.org without it costing you an arm and a leg. You can get high quality content that truly engages your audiences without it killing your profit margin.
Invest in More
Content Updates
This advice really flows from the
previous point I raised. If you're going to
be investing in more original content,
automatically, you will be investing in
more content updates. You will have a lot more original materials to share.
These two actions go together. Regardless, you need to step it up in terms of content updates so you can pack a lot more value.
Invest in Your Original Products
When you're starting out setting up
this system I teach you in this
training, you probably would be
focused on affiliate products. You
get an affiliate from an affiliate
program, you market that link on
your email updates. When
somebody clicks on that link and
buys something, you get a commission. Pretty straightforward, very simple.
Well, if you really want to make a lot of money, you have to turn your back on affiliate marketing. You really do. Instead, you have to sell your own stuff. The reason why you need to do this really boils down to control. When you are selling other people's materials, you are at the mercy of their squeeze page, their landing page, and ultimately, the quality of their product.
What if their product sucks? What if their sales page converts only a fraction of the people it could otherwise have converted? You lose out. That's the bottom line. If you want to maximize your control over your income, you need to invest in your own original products.
Thankfully, outsourcing is always available to you. You can outsource to professional companies like ozki.org and other specialized content producers to help you produce high quality original materials for cents on the dollar.
Sell Your Own Video-Based Membership courses
The main problem with product sales
online is, by and large, you're selling
the item once. Somebody clicks the
"buy" button, they pay, they get
access to the download link, and
that's the end of the story. They
already have the product. They can
enjoy it, they can throw it
away, they can do whatever they want with it.
But the transaction only took place once. Wouldn't it be awesome if people keep sending you money every month? Wouldn't it be great if you get recurring income? Well, that's exactly what you can enjoy when you sell your own video-based membership courses.
For example, if you have a gardening blog, you can set up a video-based course where you teach people the ins and outs of garden cultivation. Every single month, each member's PayPal account or credit card account is billed a certain amount. You don't have to lift a finger. And this goes month after month after month until they cancel.
The best part? You shot the videos once, yet you make money off of them month after month. How awesome is that? This is called passive income.
And the great thing about this is that you don't have to stick with video. It can be any kind of membership. Maybe you can give them access to pictures. Maybe you can give them access to files or even software, it doesn't matter.
What they're paying for is the right to download that material month after month. This is the key. Recurring income should be your ultimate goal. This is how you maximize your effort. You're putting in less work while getting more money out of the system.
Unfortunately, this is not something that you can master getting out of the gate.
It also doesn't happen overnight. You have to pay your dues by doing the other steps above first.
Social media marketing confuses a lot
of people. It definitely leads to a lot of
dead ends if you let its myths get the
better of you. This training shines a
light on one effective way of using
social media exposure to turn social
media reach into cold, hard cash in
your bank account.
While I'm not claiming that these steps are easy, they are doable. You just need to follow instructions, you need to conduct experiments, and focus on what works.
The key here is to use this information to fit your particular set of circumstances to produce practical, actionable steps that you can use to earn a truly passive income.
Don't move one step ahead until you've mastered the previous step.
Now that you have all the information that you need to succeed, please understand that none of this will make you rich if you let it stay in your head.
Not in a million years. You have to take action on them. You have to get that sense of urgency you need to make this information a reality. The longer it stays in your head, the less likely your finances will change.
Give yourself a deadline. Commit to a firm start date. Once that date comes, start. You don't have to be a hero, you don't have to hit a home run the first time you step up to the plate. As long as you're making a small step forward, that is good enough.
Why? A small step forward is still a step forward. You have to keep doing it. You have to take step after step. It doesn't matter what side of the bed you woke up on, it doesn't matter what you're feeling—none of that matters. What matters is you stick to the plan.
If you're able to commit and focus, you will succeed. I wish you nothing but the greatest success. Thank you for watching this training.
Mar 2020
Main author Ravi S. Iyer created the eklavyasai.blogspot.com blog and used it mainly from September 2011 to end 2014 to play a part-time, peaceful and amicab...
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