Turn More Prospects Into Clients by Rein Aantjes - HTML preview

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Make an efficient job of it.

Let’s go back to that moment at which you decided to approach prospects. Your goal was to deliver your prospects what they really want and you prepared yourself well. Now all you need to collect are some names, addresses and phone numbers, and you’re all set to go. I wish it were that easy. While approaching prospects all sorts of things can go wrong and I know plenty of salesmen that quitted after four attempts. Their contact had left the firm, the phone number had been changed, a certain Mr. appeared to be a Mrs, or the firm was closed for a three week holiday... All a big waste of time and effort that you would have been better off putting into improving the relationship with your current clients. However, with a couple of handy tips you’ll beat inefficiency and approach more prospects in less time! 

For example, sometimes it can be helpful to send some information beforehand to tickle your prospect’s curiosity. Then he’ll be expecting you to contact him and be more prepared to talk to you. When applying such tactics, bear this in mind...

(10) Errors in name or address in the letters you send will tell your clients and prospects what you think of them.

Of course you can also decide to seek direct contact with prospects in an attempt to get them interested. In sales jargon this is called ‘cold calling’. In that case make sure you know the name, the job title and direct number of the person you want to talk to. For, the question: “Could you put me through to the person responsible for...?” really gets people’s hairs on end...

(11) Maybe data suppliers and telecom providers are warmed by cold calling; callers and prospects certainly aren’t anymore.

The moment you seek contact, is very important for an efficient working manner. Because your chances of success will be highest when you choose the right moment and when the prospect has time to talk to you. When you interrupt prospects on their direct number when they really don’t have the time and are in conversation with someone else, you will lower your chances by 99%! So always ask the prospect whether you’re phoning at the right moment. When the prospect shows so much as an ounce of hesitation, move on to the question which day and which time is appropriate. Never let a prospect phone you, for then you’ll end up at the bottom of his To Do list...

(12) Your chances of success are 5 times higher with prospects that speak to you directly than those who’ll phone you back later.

You’ve finally got that prospect on the phone and he’s even got time for you. You know exactly how to begin and hardly even need your script. Wrong! Of course you won’t be working with a script. After all you can expect a good salesperson to listen well and to ask the right questions using the answers to the right questions and using the answers he gets to the previous question. Remember that two answers to the very same open question will never be the same. For...

(13) A preprogrammed sales talk lacks respect and won’t stand a chance as all your prospects and contacts are different and unique.

External factors can also effect the chance of speaking to a prospect soon. A sudden takeover and economic issues or crises, are good examples. When times are uncertain organisations and people are usually insusceptible to change. Actually that’s why I’ve put many prospects on hold in my forty years of sales experience. Often the disappointing results in the first half year and the following cutbacks were the cause. In situations like these make sure that delay doesn’t become permanent. Soon you can approach prospects again who bailed out earlier due to them being faced with cutbacks halfway into the year... 

(01) A new year starts with a new budget. The perfect moment for looking up old prospects that bailed out before.

Of course you also want to approach new prospects when you have more time on your hands. Otherwise it may cost you current clients or would be clients. Holiday periods are an ideal time! Don’t think all of your new prospects will be on holiday then. Have a look at this...

(02) In 4 weeks time you’ll visit more prospects, who also have more time for you by keeping regional holiday periods in mind.

Yet, there are no certainties in life. Even when you’ve taken into account with the above said and what you’ve come up with yourself, it can still go wrong 5 minutes before the conversation you had planned. Something’s popped up that is more urgent for the prospect (which easily happens...), the office next door is being renovated, your prospect’s secretary tells you she has to rush off home because the children are off school all of a sudden... These and dozens of other unforeseen circumstances may arise. Many salespeople then make the mistake of giving as much information as possible in a limited amount of time. Even while the prospect is packing his briefcase. That’s not going to work though. Don’t cram everything into a short talk. Instead...

(14) You won’t sell anything when your prospect has no time. So meet at the right moment and create a relaxed atmosphere.

• Some years ago I visited a conference in the US, where among others well known international top speaker Frank Furness was giving a talk. He has his own way of reaching prospects. How to make appointments. How to make appointments