Turn More Prospects Into Clients by Rein Aantjes - HTML preview

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What you need to know before you start talking

Do you recognize that feeling? When you’re sitting there waiting for someone and that someone appears to be late? Your prospects have undoubtedly experienced this too on several occasions and have therefore had that same feeling. If you don’t know how to deal with this situation, you’re going to miss out on many new clients. For being hopelessly stuck in traffic or suddenly finding out you’re being expected somewhere half an hour earlier than you’ve planned, can happen to anyone. Prospects hate that, but some things just can’t be helped. In situations like these it’s crucial you don’t keep the prospect waiting for nothing and don’t wait till the very last moment to inform him. Show the prospect respect and be sure to keep his schedule in mind. You’ve got a cell phone, right? So the very least you can do, is show manners and empathy. However the prospect also can find himself in circumstances beyond his control and in that case...

(22) Late for a meeting with a prospect, makes a glum prospect, a prospect late for a meeting with you means a cheerful prospect.

Luckily in most cases everything will be just fine and you’ll arrive well on time at your prospect’s address. With today’s technology you can fill in this extra time, making the pending conversation even better. Moreover it will save you time in the long run, which means you can visit more prospects...

(23) 1/2 an hour of witty googling before a talk with a prospect will give you more useful info than 3 1hour talks.

Nowadays every self-respecting organisation has at least one website. On your prospect’s website you’re sure to find lots of information that will give you a good idea of his or her organisation, of the projects the organisation has recently completed and undoubtedly its mission statement and vision as well. The latter is very important. Also check whether your prospect has spoken at a conference or has given an interview to a trade magazine! For the most interesting prospects focus on the future instead of on things from the past...

(04) On your way to a sales talk? Look at your prospect’s vision of the future rather than at what he’s busy doing now.

Many salespeople, including me can’t resist the desire to light up a cigarette. Especially when you have heaps of time to relax before an appointment and you want to look up some information on your prospect. Chances are the prospect will envy you for being able to smoke when he’s not. And that’s not the only drawback...

(24) Smoke an hour before a sales talk and you stand 50% chance your prospect thinks you smell and 100% chance you actually do.

• Want to stop smoking right away? Well maybe this video will help.  Smoking is deadly.

That half an hour wait can be ideal for finding valuable information. For prospects seldom bet on one horse only. The odds are that you’re running the race along with other suppliers. Also there is a high chance you and the other suppliers will be visiting the prospect one after the other. 

I was once in the race for a big order and for reasons of his own the prospect wouldn’t say who else he had invited. Without him knowing I stood on the lookout at a safe distance from his door at 9 a.m. Between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. I opened my own box of tricks for this prospect and when I left my strategic position at 6 p.m. to go home, I knew exactly who of my competitors had visited that day!

(05) You can come across dangerous competitors anywhere. Especially where you’re looking for new prospects.

It’s perfectly normal to feel some tension before a conversation with a prospect. Even the world’s biggest theatre performers feel a bit of stage fright every time they go on stage. That’s no disadvantage, for it helps you focus and to stay on the ball. It’s important to bear this in mind. The more you know about your prospect, his line of business, your competitors’ weaknesses, and the greater your ability to solve things, the better you will feel...

(06) There’s no reason at all to be nervous or insecure if you’re prepared for talks with prospects or clients.

In a way, your prospect can also feel uncertain about his business. He’s looking for improvements, otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting there. Apparently you managed to strike a sensitive chord when making the appointment, or then also you wouldn’t be sitting there. In your first conversation the prospect will be seeing whether you (don’t be mistaken in thinking this conversation is about your firm!) are the right person to help him out...

(07) The more you know about your prospect’s trade, the more likely he’ll buy from you. Professional knowledge creates bonds.

Confidence is also gained by keeping promises. He who promises to his prospect certain benefits when making a deal, will not get away with failing to deliver the goods. Your prospect is most likely to ask you about it when you arrive. So it’s very important you can put your money where your mouth is. Only then will your prospect be all ears and will you win his trust. Also take into account that the prospect will take it through once more after you’ve left and will view it all in light of his situation. So...

(25) When selling products or services you need to be able to show your prospect in figures how he’s to benefit.

The prospect will seldom express whether you’ve succeeded in gaining his trust straight away. You’ll ask questions, he’ll give short or long answers. He’ll ask questions and you’ll answer to the best of your knowledge. Don’t hesitate in asking him whether your answers appeal to him, but don’t expect him to give you an honest answer. Especially when there are other players. Still a conversation can give you a good impression...

(33) Your prospects’ body language says something about their attitude. So keep an eye on this throughout the conversation.

• Would you like to know more about body language or would you like to add your own experiences? Well click your way to the wikiHow site.