Turn More Prospects Into Clients by Rein Aantjes - HTML preview

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Last but not least

This book is about turning prospects into clients. The beads on my advice’s narrative thread are: giving attention, preparation, personalising, advising, agreeing on and recording. This will get your prospects to become clients. It will take a lot of time and therefore you will be making a big investment. By using this approach you hope for a long term client relationship to make your investment more than worth your while. It’s always wise to look back at your advice and find out whether the offer the prospect accepted, met with the expectations the client had when he was still a prospect. That way you’ll be able to learn for the future and your client won’t feel like he’s been hurled over the fence into the after sales department. Satisfied new clients are your best references, so keep in touch. You’re bound to get some nice new leads on your doorstep through this converted prospect...

(72) Phoning your prospects after delivery and finding out your sales arguments were right, means you’ve won another loyal client.

This book would be much more expensive and more successful if reading it guaranteed that all prospects became clients. Unfortunately I have to disappoint you. Even though you’ll undoubtedly succeed in improving your conversion rate by following my advice, there will always be prospects who bail out and choose a different solution. Hearing this from a prospect is never pleasant and still it creates opportunities. It will give you something new to learn! Pick the right moment and invite such a prospect to voice his thoughts on you and your firm. What went wrong and how would your prospect have gone about it? There is one thing I guarantee you. That meal will earn itself back generously...

(73) Having a meal with the prospect that bailed out, could turn out to be a very useful ‘self-investment’.