Turn More Prospects Into Clients by Rein Aantjes - HTML preview

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⇒What you need to know before you start talking.
  • Late for a meeting with a prospect, makes a glum prospect, a prospect late for a meeting with you means a cheerful prospect.
  • 1/2 an hour of witty googling before a talk with a prospect will give you more useful info than 3 1hour talks.
  • On your way to a sales talk? Look at your prospect’s vision of the future rather than at what he’s busy doing now.  
  • Smoke an hour before a sales talk and you stand 50% chance your prospect thinks you smell and 100% chance you actually do.
  • You can come across dangerous competitors anywhere. Especially where you’re looking for new prospects.  
  • There’s no reason at all to be nervous or insecure if you’re prepared for talks with prospects or clients.  
  • The more you know about your prospect’s trade, the more likely he’ll buy from you. Professional knowledge creates bonds.
  • When selling products or services you need to be able to show your prospect in figures how he’s to benefit.  
  • Your prospects’ body language says something about their attitude. So keep an eye on this throughout the conversation.
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