4 Steps to Starting a Successful Business by Bruno Auger - HTML preview

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I’m going to take the general categories that I presented at the very beginning and give you what I feel are the best resources to learn from.

Affiliate Marketing

I am not the expert when it comes to affiliate marketing . If you want to find out how to really do affiliate marketing, then get Ewen Chia’s AutoPilots Profits. Ewen is the master of affiliate marketing. He wins just about every affiliate marketing contest that gets run. Nobody knows more about this better than Ewen. I learned all I know from him, but he’s still the master.

If you want the top affiliate marketing forum in the whole world, go to Abestweb. They have over 49,000 members and 850,000 posts. If you want answers about affiliate marketing, this is the place to get it.

Product Creation

For those who want to create their own products, the most common of which are in the form of ebooks and information products, probably the best resource for this is The Marketing Educator where you’ll find people like Seth Godin and Shawn Collins.

If you want a great ebook on product creation, I strongly suggest How To Write An Ebook in 7 Days written by Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale.

Service Creation

This is a little different than product creation because it involves putting together a membership site of some sort. This is an awful lot of work and truthfully, no one resource is going to give you everything you need.

If you want to start a business where you are offering a service to people, the best advice I can give you is to go to the Warrior Forum and register. Tell the members what you plan to do and ask for advice on how to get it started. They may know of some resources that I’m not familiar with. I do have my own service based web site but I did it on my own the hard way. The only way to teach you what I know is to do it myself, and I just don’t have all the necessary materials. The Warrior Forum is your best bet.


This is not my specialty because I am not that great of a writer. If you want to get into writing then there are a couple of tactics you need to know and can be found below.

Article Marketing Tactics

If you want to get into the world of article writing for profit, then this is a must have book. It will teach you a simple step by step process, but also show you how to market them effectively. People have made as much as $1,500 in a month just doing this part time.

Get A Freelancer

If you want to make it as a freelance programmer and get a head start in the area, sign up with this site. They will find you work from people who are looking for freelance programmers. They are the top site on the Internet for this service.


If you want to get into the field of writing sales copy, you might as well learn from the best. His name is Andrew Cavanagh and he’s a perfectionist. His site is filled with tips on writing sales copy. As a matter of fact, there is so much there, it’s overwhelming.

Andrew is very helpful. If you show real enthusiasm and really work hard, he’ll turn you into a copywriter. I won’t even tell you how much he makes for 1 sales page, but even just starting out you can make up to $2,500 for one sales page.

Work A Job

This is another area where I have done extensive research and I have found places online where you can actually get paid for the work you do, and it’s also related to article writing. You can find the information in Steven’s Basic Copywriting package.

Get Paid To Sites

The best place to learn about Get Paid To Sites is at the WhyDoWork Forum where they have a number of threads on tons of Get Paid To Sites. You won’t find books on this subject because nobody bothers with something that pays so little. But if you want something simple, safe and won’t cost you a lot of money to do, this is the place to get your information.


When it comes to MLM, your best bet is MLM Forums which is the top forum in this area. Please understand that regardless of what they tell you to do in order to get the most out of your recruiting efforts, the industry retention figures don’t lie. You’re looking at recycling your members every 90 days on average.

The Missing Piece

There is one final thing that you’re going to need if you’re going to do anything that requires you getting the word out about your business, and that’s advertising. This is another area that I have studied over the lat 2 years I’ve been marketing online. Without this one piece, almost all of the above is totally worthless.

Fortunately, Steve Wagenheim has compiled a book of everything I know about advertising called the Complete Internet Advertising Guide . I have no doubt that after you read it, you’ll know all that you’ll need to know about the main forms of advertising on the Internet, with the exception of Social Bookmarking and Web 2.0 because it is so new and quite honestly, not thoroughly tested yet. Eventually, I’ll add these things to my book as I get them nailed down to a science. In the meantime, what’s already in this book is all you’ll need for effective advertising campaigns.

The Complete Package

Doesn’t exist. Not really anyway. The reason why is because there is too much expertise that is needed in so many areas and to create such a package would take so many volumes of material that the amount of work involved creating it would be astronomical.
So naturally, someone had to create it.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not 100% complete. But it has just about everything that you will need to learn just about everything to do with Internet marketing, freelancing, recruiting, affiliate marketing and advertising that there is to learn. The package is 98 volumes and about 1700 pages.

Yes, I know. It’s probably more than you want to bother reading and I can’t say I blame you.


But, if you have the time and the patience to go through it all, you may want to at least give it a look-see.

Why is he selling it so cheap? Because he knows how hard all this can be and he really wants to help people. So there’s no point in charging what this package is really worth. The people who need it most won’t be able to afford it.

Anyway, the name of the package is called My Secret Articles and you can read the testimonials of people who have actually used this package.

Quite honestly, if you can’t earn an income online in some way after reading the volumes in this package (50 up front and 48 more over the course of the 1 year) then you probably should do something else with your life. I’m serious. What Steve has you do in this package is what I do each and every day.

And it works for me.