Agile Android Software Developement by Etienne Savard - HTML preview

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You will find below a list of all donators that contributed money to support this free book. Your support to this project means a lot, and best efforts were deployed to meet your expectactions while writing this book.

Thank you!

Early adopters

Below are the first donators when this book was still in its infency. Thank you to have believed in this project early on. You drived me forward during this journey.

  • David Conde Ortega
  • Ryan De Gruyter
  • Francis Perreault
  • Douglas Carvalho
  • Elaine Dias Batista
  • Juan Jose Sanchez Silos
  • François Roy
  • Francis Toth
  • Carmen Radu
  • Joe Jimenez
  • Kevin Berglund

Kickstarter campain contributors

Coming soon!

How to be listed here?

You can add your name to this list too by donating.

Cover image and illustations

All illustrations of this book, unless specified otherwise, are the original creations of either my daughters, Lea and Marianne, or myself.

Lea draw the cover image for me on the whiteboard after she saw the Android mascot somewhere in my home office. I colored and edited the original drawing using GIMP.

Thanks Lea & Marianne.