Cloud Computing Concerns of the U.S. Government by Michael Erbschloe - HTML preview

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Appendix C Roles and Responsibilities

Table 7 provides a summary of the major roles and responsibilities in implementation of the Cloud Computing SRG.

Table 7 - Roles and Responsibilities




  • Provide security requirements guidelines (SRGs) and Security Technical Implementation Guidance (STIGs) for DoD cloud computing
  • Assess CSP’s Service Offerings and 3PAO results for consideration in awarding a DOD Provisional Authorization
  • Issue DoD Provisional Authorizations
  • Develop and maintain a DoD Cloud Access Point (CAP).
  • Provide DoDIN Computer Network Defense (CND) capabilities and maintain a CND concept of operations (CONOPS).
  • Provide technical support for the DoD CIO's role on the FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board
  • Provide a catalog of DoD cloud services .
  • Maintain a registry of DoD Components using commercial cloud services.
  • Support the DoDIN Waiver Process.
  • Receives CSP's continuous monitoring products and passes them to the appropriate entities within DoD
  • Serve as the DoD CNDSP certifier

Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

  • Commercial vendor or Federal organization offering or providing cloud services (Includes DoD CSPs)
  • Provides Cloud Service Offerings for mission use
  • Provides CNDSP services (all tiers) for their infrastructure and service offerings

Cloud Access Point (CAP)

  • Provided by DISA or other DoD Component
  • Protect DoD missions from vulnerabilities or risk that may affect operations in a CSP environment
  • Provide perimeter defenses and sensing for applications hosted in the commercial cloud service

DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO)

  • Official approving authority for all CAPs

FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB)

  • Reviews CSP security assessment packages under the FedRAMP program
  • Grants FedRAMP Provisional Authorizations

Third Party Assessment Organizations (3PAO)

  • Independently performs security assessments of a CSP cloud offering and creates security assessment package artifacts in accordance with FedRAMP requirements
  • May perform continuous monitoring of CSP systems
  • Independently assesses a CSP’s compliance to DoD FedRAMP+ security controls and other requirements

DISA Authorizing Official (AO)

  • Official approving PA for a CSP’s Service Offerings for DoD use

DISA CND Functions

  • Perform cross-CAP correlation and analysis of event/data.
  • Direct C2 actions regarding DoDIN-wide incident and system health reporting involving a CAP or CSP.
  • For DoDIN-wide incidents, establish and maintain external communications with the CSP and ensure internal DoD communications are established between all entities which include the MCND and BCND.
  • Interface with US-CERT to obtain relevant CSP information; ensures cross-sharing of information across all BCND/MCND entities.

DoD Component Authorizing Official (AO)

  • Official approving ATOs for Mission Owner’s systems/applications
  • Reviews PA documentation to understand residual risk

Mission Owner
(CSP’s DoD Cloud Customer DoD Cloud Consumer)

  • DoD entity that acquires cloud services in support of its mission
  • Performs assessment to issue ATO for their mission systems/applications
  • Ensures Tier 2 Mission Computer Network Defense (MCND) Service Provider is identified and funded
  • Serves as CND Tier 3 for their mission systems/applications
  • Ensures CSP requirements for CND and other SRG requirements are included in any cloud contracts

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)

  • Receives incident reports from CSP as mandated by FedRAMP.
  • Responsible for coordination across non-DoD agencies

Computer Network Defense Service Provider (CNDSP)

  • Provides Computer Network Defense (CND) services and Command and Control (C2) direction addressing the protection of the network, detection of threats, and response to incidents.

United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) / JFHQ-DODIN

  • DoD Tier 1 CNDSP
  • Notify and Coordinate as appropriate with US-CERT, Intelligence Community, Law Enforcement, and other Federal Agencies
  • Provides Computer Network Defense (CND) services and Command and Control (C2) direction for the entire DoDIN and all DoD information systems

Boundary CND (BCND)

  • DoD Tier 2 CNDSP
  • Monitors and defends the connections to/from off-premises CSPs at the Cloud Access Point (CAP)
  • Provides cross-CSP analysis capabilities or entities
  • Communicates with CND Tier 1 and Tier 2 entities

Mission CND (MCND)

  • DoD Tier 2 CNDSP
  • Provides CND / C2 services to specific Mission Owner’s systems/applications and virtual networks
  • Serves as the DoD CND / C2 point of contact for the CSP
  • Communicates with CND Tier 2 and Tier 3 entities