Computer Studies Course for Rusty Readers by Titus Kamau - HTML preview

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A window can be defined as a rectangular part on the screen designed for a particular or specific task. Microsoft Windows is user friendly as it has a graphical user interface (GUI). This allows the user to use graphics/ pictures instead of text to perform tasks. 

Windows has an outstanding feature called WIMP

W – Windows (rectangular working area)

I – Icons (graphical representation of items)

M – Mouse (input devices)

P - Pull down menus

Various parts of the desktop

a)      Top right of the corner – short cut bar used to start up programs without necessary gong to the start menu

b)     Icons – these are graphical representation of programs, files and folders

c)      Start button – initializes most operations in the Computer

d)     Task bar – on it lays the start button, time, etc.

e)      Wallpaper – background

Dialog boxes

They are electric forms through which the user inputs data and information for the computer to complete a task.

Parts of the dialog box

  1. Title bar – contains the title
  2. Menu bar – file, edit, view, option
  3. Tool bar – common tools pictures in a row
  4. List box – named, look in
  5. Combo box – drop down list & list box
  6. Text box – plain box containing box
  7. Preview window – where the results of a procedure can be previewed
  8. Command button – find now, stop, new search
  9. Option button – the white buttons allowing a choice to be made
  10. Check box – small square
  11. Status bar – gives us a report on a procedure or the i.e. status 48 fields found
  12. Closing button

Creating a folder in the desktop

Folders are memory locations set apart for the storage of particular files.

  1. Right click an empty space on the desktop
  2. Click new
  3. Click folder
  4. Type in the folder name and press enter

Re-naming a folder

  1. Right-click on the folder
  2. Type the new name of the folder

Deleting a folder

img5.png     Right-click on the folder

img5.png     Click delete

Creating a folder on My Documents

a)      Open My Documents Window

b)     Click File

c)      Click New

d)     Click folder

Finding Files and Folders

       Click on Start

       Click Search

       Click either pictures, music and videos, documents or files and folders

       Enter the file or folder name

       Choose the search location, e.g. Local disk C

       Press enter on the keyboard to search

Creating files

a)      Open the source program by clicking on start, then programs, e.g. Ms Word and click

b)     Enter data into the file i.e. key in your data

c)      Save the file, use the following steps;

       Click on the file and point to Save As and click once

       Complete the dialog box (type the name of the document & indicate storage location)

       Clicks Save

N.B// saving is the process of transferring data from the main memory to the permanent storage e.g. hard disk or floppy diskettes

Opening/ Retrieving a File

  1. While the source program is open
  2. Click on file and then point to open and click
  3. Complete the dialog box (ensure that the file you wanted to open is selected on the previous window)
  4. Click on open

Alternatively you can open a file using the following method;

       Use the find file command to locate the file that you need

       Select the file on the preview window by clicking on it

       Click on the file menu then point to open and click

Copying a file

img2.png      While windows explorer is open click on the folder where the file is located. On the right hand side, click on the file to select it

img2.png      Click on edit then point to copy and click

img2.png      Locate the destination folder on the left hand side and select it by clicking

img2.png      Click on edit then point to paste and click

Moving a file

  1. While windows explorer is open, click on the folder where the file is stored. On the right hand side, click on the file to select it
  2. Click on edit then point to cut and click
  3. Locate the destination folder on the left hand side and select it by clicking
  4. Click on edit then point to paste and click

Deleting a file

You can delete a file through windows explorer, my computer and from the desktop.

       Right click the file

       Click delete

Alternatively click the file and press Delete key on the keyboard.

Restoring files (Recovering deleted files)

It is important to note that whenever you delete a file from your computer HDD, it goes straight to the Recycle Bin. On the contrary, when you delete a file from a Flash drive, it goes permanently.

-Double Click on Recycle Bin icon on the desktop

-Select the file you want to restore by clicking on it

-Click on the file menu and then click restore


These are programs that come together with an operating system and can be used to accomplish some routine tasks e.g.

  1. Word pad/ note pad – these are used to edit text
  2. Phone dialer – used for making telephone calls
  3. Paint – used for graphics and hand writing
  4. Scandisk – used for checking and correcting errors in the permanent memory i.e. floppy disk and hard disk
  5. Disk defragmenter -  used to re-arrange files and file pads in the memory

Steps to start accessories

a)      Click on start

b)     Click all programs

c)      Click accessories

d)     Select the accessory you want from the extended menu

To run Scandisk

  1. Click on start
  2. Click all programs
  3. Click accessories
  4. Click system tools
  5. Click scan disk
  6. Select the disk to scan
  7. Indicate whether you want to automatically fix errors or not
  8. Click on start
  9. Click on close to quit scandisk

Alternatively you can run a CHKDSK on the Run tab (in the start menu)


This is the process of configuring windows appearance and its response to both input and output devices. To configure windows or the devices attached to the Computer;

a)      Click on start

b)     Click control panel

c)      Choose the setting you want to change by clicking

d)     After changing click Apply then Ok

Setting Display

Under Display you can change the following items;

  1. Background
  2. Wallpaper
  3. Pattern
  4. Screen saver
  5. Appearance
  6. Settings

Screen Saver

A screen saver protects the computer screen. It comes on after the computer has been idle for a specified period of time (specified during setting). It also acts as security to information by denying access to unauthorized persons. This can be done by setting a password for the screen saver. The disadvantage of a password is that you will not have access to your computer once the screen starts running until you enter the right password.

To set the computer date and time

  1. Double click the time icon (on the system tray in the task bar)
  2. Now you can change either the time, date, month or year
  3. Click Apply then Ok

To configure (set) the mouse

This is used to set the mouse properties. Double click the mouse icon on the control panel. A dialog box will appear having two options buttons. Select either the left hand option button or the right hand option button. Click Apply. Set the desired double click speed by dragging along the slider scale and click on Apply. Click Ok to keep the setting.

Configuring the Keyboard

With a keyboard you can change speed, language and cursor blinking rate. To adjust the keyboard speed, double click on the keyboard icon in the control panel. Select the new language and then apply (it only works if the dictionary of that particular language is installed).

Formatting Disks

This is to make tracks and sectors on the diskette for storage.

N.B// Unformatted disk cannot store information

Steps to follow when formatting

  1. Insert unformatted disk on drive A
  2. Double click on My Computer
  3. Select the disk i.e. Click on 31/2 floppy icon
  4. Click on file menu
  5. Click on the format command
  6. Enter values for Capacity, labels and formatting i.e. quick or full formatting
  7. Click on start
  8. Click on close

Windows Explorer

It enables a user to view files and folders in a hierarchical list manner. Basic file operations can be carried out using windows explorer e.g. creating, renaming, copying, moving and deleting files and folders.


It is on the start menu. This is to assist the user on the basic operations by providing guidelines or trouble shooting problems in the window. In Ms Windows help is usually accessed through pressing F1 key on the keyboard.

How to find the help command

  1. Click the start menu
  2. Click help and support
  3. Click on suggested help topics to get detailed assistance

Task bar settings

  1. Click on start
  2. Click on settings (depending on your version of Ms Windows OS)
  3. Point to task bar and click on it
  4. Complete the dialog box as desired
  5. Click Apply then Ok

N.B// You can copy/move or transfer files by dragging and dropping when you click & drag a file from one drive e.g. C to another drive e.g. A. The file is moved from C and pasted to drive A. When you click and drag a file from one folder to another in the same drive, e.g. drive C, the file is cut and pasted into new location where the cursor is blinking. To select multiple files with the mouse, hold down the CTRL (control) key and select the files you want using the mouse pointer.

Qualities of a computer

         It’s automatic

         It’s a data processor

         It’s a strong device

         It’s electrical

Advantages of using Computers

-Stores large amount of information within limited space

-Speed – performs tasks within a very short period of time compared to working manually

-Efficiency – crates an all round saving on space and time

-Consistency – gives the same results given data & instructions

-Secrecy – information is fairly protected if the computer system is well managed

-Versatility – can do the same thing over and over again without being worn out

Disadvantages of Computers

*Computers are expensive

*Cuts down on employment opportunities

*They create eye problems due to radiations from monitor screen

*Loss of information if not well managed

*Cannot make value judgment on works

Computer virus

A virus is a destructive program that attaches itself to the files in a computer and installs itself when the files are open (without the user’s permission).

Signs & symptoms of a Virus

  1. Quizzical messages displayed frequently/ unnecessarily
  2. Programs take long to load
  3. Program files disappear mysteriously (delete themselves)
  4. A lot of error messages displayed
  5. Less memory available than usual
  6. Unfamiliar graphics

Types of Computer Virus

o Boot sector – affects the booting information in a computer storage media

o File virus – deletes the files in a computer

o Trojan virus  - appears as if performing a necessary operation but performs an unnecessary operation at the background without the users knowledge

o Hoax virus – appears as a very interesting e-mail and installs itself when the e-mail is opened

o Worm virus – affects the memory of a computer

o Backdoor virus – it can be WORM virus or a TROJAN virus that allows unauthorized access into the computer

o Time bomb – installs itself in a computer & stays for a period where its eventual effect is the crushing of the computer

Sources of computer virus


      Through storage devices (CDs, diskettes, flash disks) etc.

      Networking of computers

      Email attachments

Safety measures against Computer virus

a)      Install your computer with the latest anti-virus software

b)     Scan any storage device for viruses before using in a computer

c)      Scan attached files in your e-mail before accessing

d)     Avoid accessing unnecessary websites

e)      Avoid networking with computers which might have a virus