Computers for Smart People by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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18. Deleting accounts


            This next program is a relatively easy one. It’s time for the program to delete records on the account file. We could incorporate this function into the inquiry / update program but instead we will create a new program. The reason has to do with the fact that we probably only want certain people to have the ability to delete records. Another advantage is that the process will be somewhat easier if deletions are separate. Once we have this program done, we can copy it and modify it and use the result for deleting records on the zip code file. There is no sense writing a separate program when we have most of the logic in place.

            The program will allow input of an account number and our program will delete the record, provided the balance is zero. It will then proceed to add the account number to the next number file. As I mentioned earlier, we may not want to use the account number over again – at least for a while – so we would just delete the account record. Adding the deleted record to the other file is just being done for the exercise. A report will be produced to list all deleted accounts. As before, in case of a serious file access, an error message will be printed on bottom of the report and listed on the screen.

            Our program will be the following:


program-name: acctdel

define  main-heading structure

            print-month character(2)

            field character value “/”

            print-day character(2)

            field character value “/”

            print-year character(43)

            field character(73) value “Account number deletion report”

            field character(5) value “Page”

            page-number integer(3)

define  sub-heading structure

            field character(54) value “account #    last name             first name”

            field character(57) value “mi   street address             city               state”

            field character(19) value “zip         balance”

define  print-line structure

            print-account-number integer(9)

            field character(4) value spaces

            print-last-name character(22)

            print-first-name character(19)

            print-middle-initial character(5)

            print-street-address character(27)

            print-city character(19)

            print-state character(6)

            print-zip-code integer(5)

            field character(2) value spaces

            print-balance signed decimal(6.2) mask($$$$,$$9.99-)

define  total-line structure

            field character(43) value spaces

            field character(42) value “The number of account records deleted was”

            print-count integer(3) mask(zz9)

define  file zipfile record zip-code-record status zip-status key zip structure

            zip integer(5)

            city character(15)

            state character(2)

define  file acctfile record account-record status acct-status key account-number structure

            account-number integer(9)

            last-name character(18)

            first-name character(15)

            middle-initial character

            street-address character(25)

            field character(17)

            zip-code integer(5)

            balance signed decimal(6.2)

define  file numbfile record next-number-record status numb-status key next-number structure

            next-number integer(9)

            indicator character

define error-msg character(60) value spaces

define work-date character(8)

define record-counter integer(5) value 0

define page-counter integer(3) value 0

define line-counter integer(2) value 54

work-date = date

print-month = work-date(5:2)

print-day = work-date(7:2)

print-year = work-date(3:2)

screen erase

screen(1,30) “account number delete”

screen(4,20) “account number:”

screen(22,20) “enter 0 for the account number to exit”

input-number: input(4,36) account-number

            screen(24,1) erase

            if account-number = 0

                        go to end-program


            read acctfile update

            if acct-status = 0

                        if balance = 0

                                    perform process-delete


                                    screen(24,20) “balance is not 0 - not deleted”



                        if acct-status = 5

                                    screen(24,20) “account number “account-number “ is not on the file”


                                    error-msg = “account file problem; program ending – press enter”

                                    go to end-program



            go to input-number

process-delete: delete acctfile

            if acct-status = 3

                        screen(24,20) “that record is unavailable”


                        if acct-status > 0

                                    error-msg = “problem updating file; program ending – press enter”

                                    go to end-program


                                    perform remaining-process



remaining-process: print-account-number = account-number

            print-last-name = last-name

            print-first-name = first-name

            print-middle-initial = middle-initial

            print-street-address = street-address

            perform get-city-state

            print-city = city

            print-state = state

            print-zip-code = zip-code

            print-balance = balance

            line-counter = line-counter + 1

            if line-counter > 54

                        perform print-headings


            print print-line

            indicator = “d”

            next-number = account-number

            write numbfile

            if numb-status > 0

                        screen(24,20) account-number “ was not added to the next number file”


            record-counter = record-counter + 1

get-city-state: city = spaces

            state = spaces

            zip = zip-code

            read zipfile

            if zip-status = 5

                        screen(24,20) “zip code “ zip “ is not on the file.”


                        if zip-status > 0

                                    error-msg = “zip file problem; program ending – press enter”

                                    go to end-program



print-headings: page-counter = page-counter + 1

            page-number = page-counter

            line-counter = 5

            print page main-heading

            print skip(2) sub-heading

print skip

end-program: print-count = record-counter

            print skip(2) total-line

            print skip error-msg

            screen(24,20) error-msg input



            You may be asking why the program is so long if this is a simple process. If we had displayed data on the screen, it would have been even longer. The task is not complicated, but achieving it involves a great deal of logic. We’re producing a report of what’s happening on paper and access to the files is rather complex. A successful delete means we read the account file, read the zip code file for the city and state, deleted a record from it as long as the balance is 0 and added a record to the next number file. This could be simplified somewhat if we changed the report and only printed the account number, last name and first name, as well as not update the next number file. We chose to print out all the information on the file to help the users.

            Note that for the most part, we used lines of code from other programs, such as the update program and the report program. Again, why repeat what has already been done. The main logic is to get an account number to delete and read the account file to make sure that it’s there, but also that the balance on the record is zero. It’s probably