Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story by Commander X - HTML preview

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“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

~~ Terry Pratchett

Welcome to Dark Ops: An Anonymous Story, which is the sequel to my first book released last year entitled Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous. In this book I hope to continue the story I began in my prior work. I would like to thank all the readers who made my first book such an amazing success. I hope this satisfies your curiosity about what happened next.

Having successfully escaped from the USA into Canada, the story in Behind The Mask leaves off at the triumphal moment after the world premier of the full-length major motion picture documentary We Are Legion: The Story Of The Hacktivists in Toronto. And the narrative in this sequel will be similar, but with major differences. There will be noticeably fewer "action" scenes, for the simple reason that there simply wasn't a lot of that sort of thing. While I've continued to be cautious and live in hiding while in exile, the simple fact is that Canada is both unable and unwilling to manhunt me with the same resources that the government of the USA can deploy on its own soil.

As I left the theater that night, feeling a bit like a rock star - I admit to being extremely optimistic about the future of Anonymous. I guess I was naive in that I felt like we had achieved enough power that we would easily be able to handle the growing number of enemies lining up to take shots at us. Part of how wrong I was is attributable to the fact that I honestly believed there were horrors that the USA and Five-Eyes Nations were unwilling to perpetrate upon their own citizens in order to quell dissent. It would not be until the Snowden leaks that I would fully realize to what lengths the USA was both capable and willing to go against the Information Activists. To talk about droning hackers and turning them into pink mist is one thing, but to actually do that?

And so this is why I named this book as I did. Because far from Anonymous entering a golden age after November 2012, it instead entered a period so dark and foreboding that it has permanently altered my psyche. I was not born to be a warrior. I am not equipped to have adrenaline flowing through my veins in fight or flight state for years on end. And I certainly am not in any way "fearless", as the readers of my last book can attest. They say that rebellions are built on hope, and that's a good thing - because soon hope is all any of us would have to cling to. In the war between Anonymous and the USA, neither side was going to back down or relent. And both sides would score horrible hits against the other.

And it wasn't just the USA, NATO and the Five-Eyes Nations. Anonymous was about to take on other extremely powerful and dangerous enemies. The Vatican, Israel, The "King" of Bahrain, and pretty much all of the police in the West. These are relentless and brutal adversaries, capable of any horror you can imagine. And like us, they never forget and they never forgive. The days of easy victories over weakened dictators that made for such dramatic scenes on the big screen were over. The Transnational Global Cyber Insurgency truly came into being, and the Dark Ops had begun. The hackers and Anonymous had become the last line of defense for a world on the brink of extinction.


Commander X - January 3, 2017 - Amesbury, Ontario - Canada
