Developing Web Applications With Ant by Richard Hightower - HTML preview

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Setting Up Your Environment to Run Ant

If you are running Unix, install Ant in ~/tools/ant; if you are running Windows, install Ant in c:\tools\ant. You can set up the environment variables in Windows by using Control Panel. However, for your convenience, we created a Unix shell script ( and a Windows batch file (setenv.bat) that will set up the required environment variables for you.

Your Unix file should look something like this:

# Setup build environment variables using Bourne shell
export USR_ROOT=~
export JAVA_HOME=${USR_ROOT}/jdk1.4
export ANT_HOME=${USR_ROOT}/tools/ant
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin

Your Windows setenv.bat file should look something like this:

: Setup build environment variables using DOS Batch
set USR_ROOT=c:
set JAVA_HOME=%USR_ROOT%\jdk1.4set
set ANT_HOME=%USR_ROOT%\tools\Ant

Both of these setup files begin by setting JAVA_HOME to specify the location where you installed the JDK. This setting should reflect your local development environment--make adjustments accordingly. Then, the files set up the environment variable ANT_HOME, the location where you installed Ant.

The examples in this chapter assume that you have installed Ant in c:\tools\ant on Windows and in ~/tools/ant on Unix.