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Chapter 3: The basics of directory submission -----------------------------------------

How to submit a website to directories.

As mentioned above, you need to decide what category accurately represents your website – once you’ve done that, you need to find a relevant category within the directory and submit your website from there. However, before you start submitting your website – you should prepare your website’s page titles, descriptions, keywords, etc. for the submissions.


Most directories do not allow deep links, or URLs that point to a sub-directory, sub-folder or an individual page. Most directories require that you submit only your homepage, and if you want your website to be approved – you should heed this advice.

For example: will not be approved by many directories because it is an inner page of our example website. And, many directories do not allow more than one URL per website to be listed in their directories. If you still submit multiple URLs to a director, the directory owner may ban your website for spamming; if there are submission guidelines for a directory – you should read them before you submit your website.

Also, make sure that you are submitting the EXACT URLthat you want to promote.

If you’re promoting your website with the www prefix, then use that consistently. If you’re not using the www prefix, use that consistently. Otherwise, you will be splitting your website’s rankings (and link popularity) for both URL’s because search engines see them as separate domains. The following URLs are actually different according to search engines, even though they all look the same:


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So, be sure that when you’re submitting your URL to a directory that you keep it consistent. Otherwise, you’ll be building rankings and link popularity for two URLs instead of just one. If your website is already indexed in the search engines, check which way your website is listed – and it’s best to use that URL (www or non-www) for your future submissions.


Most directories do not allow titles with promotion language. For most directories it’s acceptable to use the format: “Domain Name – Key Phrase of website” or variations of that. Some directories only allow you to use the literal company name, some do not allow the URL to be placed in the title – and it’s always best to check with the submission guidelines because the title format can be different between directories. And, you should avoid all caps or special symbols in all directories.

Here are a few examples good and bad titles:
Bad Titles:

1. Best Diamond Jewelry Resources – (Who are you to decide it is best resources?)
2. #1 Diamond Jewelry Blog (#1?)
3. DIAMOND JEWELRY BLOG (All capital letters)
4. Diamond Jewelry blog | Articles and Resources. (Separated two titles with | )
5. Free Diamond Jewelry Articles!! (Using exclamatory symbols)
6. Diamond Jewelry blog and useful articles on Diamond jewelry like history of Diamond jewelry. (Too long title)
7. (Just the domain name?)

Good Titles:

1. Webtrify – Diamond Jewelry Blog
2. Webtrify – A Diamond Jewelry Blog
3. Collen’s Diamond Jewelry Blog

Here are some examples of good and bad titles for DMOZ submissions:


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Guidelines for descriptions are generally similar to the guidelines for page titles. Avoid promotional language, avoid mentioning time-sensitive information (such as a sale) and limit the description length to 200-250 characters.


Prepare a list of 6-9 keywords relevant to the keywords of your website. Try to avoid long-tail keyword phrases, 2-3 words per keyphrase is generally ok for most directories, though. Keywords are not generally considered important (though they are often required) for most directories.

Submission Email:

When you submit your website to a directory, the directory may send you email confirmations to let you know that your submission was received, the estimated review time and a separate email to let you know when your listing has been approved. Some directories even require you to click a confirmation link before they will review your website so that they know it’s a human doing the submission and not software or an auto-submission tool.

While you submit your website, try to use an email address from the domain being submitted rather than using a free email. A small handful of directories prohibit the use of free email addresses in their submission guidelines.

For example,


Avoid using the following kind of email addresses:


1. 2.


It’s better to use the following:


1. 2.


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TIP: Make sure that you do not use your main email address for directory submissions! You may receive a large amount of mail to the address; some of it legitimate and some of it spam.


Also, avoid using negative words in the submission email address. For instance, do not use the following or any derivatives of these:


Many directory owners will reject your website if you use words like “spam” in your submission email. For best results, create a new email address using a variation of your real name.


For instance, if your name is John Smith, you can use:


1. 2.


And so on. But again, be sure that you do not use your primary email address.

Above are common guidelines that will improve your chances of getting approved in most directories. However, some directories may have their own submission guidelines, and you should always check those before you submit your website to any directory.

Take a look at the submission guidelines for the following directories:
1. DMOZ >,
2. Joeant >>

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