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Social Media Traffic Generation


The Internet is a social place. Although everything is done in the virtual world, the place is swarming with social networks, social media sites and social opportunities to target your niche market and network with the right prospects.

So why not take advantage of the social nature of the net by using social media as a way to generate traffic and target your niche. Below we have listed some of the top tips in the subject of social media traffic.

11. Get Noticed: go in with a bang by launching your new site, or new content on social bookmarking sites. Many social bookmarking sites, such as Digg, Reddit and Netscape are read on a daily basis and a perfect place to start your traffic generation debut.

12. Take advantage of free ads: GumTree is a great place to get your new website noticed. Gum Tree is a free advertisement space where you can make an ad for your website, for free! It doesn’t get any better than that!

13. Get Accounted: start creating as many social networking accounts as possible. Social networking is a great way to get your product or service noticed. Set up a MySpace Page, a Facebook Page, a Yahoo Page and much more. Ask your friends to add your page as “fans” and watch your traffic jam up.

14. Use StumbleUpon- Submit your site to Stumble Upon and then get your friends to stumble on it as well.

15. Create a Yahoo Group- join or create a Yahoo group in your area of interest. Most likely others in that group will be interested in knowing about your website and checking out what you have to offer.

16. Tweet with Twitter- Tweet Tweet, you have mail. Twitter is a new social media revolution that combines text messages with the Internet. It may seem a little confronting, but it’s a great way to advertise your website. Get a following and send them a tweet.

17. Contribute to Forums- one of the best ways to use social media in your favor is to make a brief contribution to Forums in your topic of interest. Include a link to your website after offering incredibly advice. However, make sure you use sparingly- don’t spam.

18. Search for relevant sites- there are literally social networking sites for everyone and everything. For baby boomers, for music lovers, for avid photographers, for video gamers, for George Lucas fans, for Twilight lovers, and for every single other fetish in the world. Take advantage of this by joining social networking sites that relate to your website. This is where your prospects will be.

19. Show you care- by participating in other social media outlets, you are showing to others that you are genuinely interested in the subject. The more comments you share, the more you will be respected and revered as an active member in your niche market community.

20. Add the “tell a friend” function- on your website, add the ‘tell a friend’ function. This is a simple little button that allows people to easily connect to your website and inform others about it. In the cyber world, word of click is just as important as word of mouth. So make the most of this with social media.