How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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Differences Between a Blog or Website


even know that it was Created by WordPress.


For the most part, blogs are instantly recognizable as they all have a common


look. They consist of a web page with new content listed at the top. The content


is in order by the date of the last entry, from most recent to oldest. Blogs were originally intended as online journals, which is why they are organized by date.


A traditional (Static) website is ordered by subject and not by date. In fact when


you look at a web page on a standard website you have no idea of when any


content was uploaded to the site.


However a blog page uses the same underlying technology as a standard web


page (HTML), so in reality a blog is a website. Because of the flexibility of the


blogging platform, many users are now just using WordPress as traditional


websites, simply by arranging the site content by subject and not by date.


So, reality is, WordPress can be used as a blog or as a website. It is meant to be


installed on a local server which gives you complete control over your site


allowing you to access and modify your site whenever you want.


WordPress is a very powerful personal publishing platform that comes with great


design features to make your online publishing experience as easy, pleasant and


fun as possible. We are proud to offer you the FREE WordPress 101 Video Series, so you will


no longer have to pay a high priced web designer to do for you what you can do


for yourself, better!


But the best part is; now you will have this knowledge yourself so you can


create sites any time you need them, and if it is your desire to make money at


home online, and become an Internet marketer, as you grow your internet marketing business, you will need this skill. 00005.jpg