How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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Let’s Discuss the Workings of WordPress

Creating a WordPress site is not that difficult, you just need to follow some simple


steps, but when you follow the 23-Set, step-by-step WordPress 101 Video Series, your learning Curve will dwindle down to practically nothing.

Pick the Topic of Your Website, then....

Ï Obtain a keyword rich domain name


Ï Get a hosting account, or a combination of domain and hosting


Ï Download the latest version of WordPress from


Ï Unzip it to your computer


Ï Upload the files via FTP to your hosting account


Ï Run the installer


Ï Choose and upload a WordPress theme


Ï Choose the plugins you want to install


Ï Start filling your site full of content or blog posts… Does that sound easy or does it sound confusing? Either way, it doesn’t matter.


Just follow the step-by-step videos and your site will be up and running in no




If you are new to WordPress, then start with video #1. Or, start at the video of your choice.