How to Create a Website - How to Make a Blog by Trevor - HTML preview

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Get Your Attention Grabbing Headline, Here!


The first place to start is with a good attention grabbing headline, the headline


then leads into your sales letter, which leads people into the sale.


This e-book is not about how to write sales copy, but once you’ve got your


headline, sales letter and website design in place, then you also need targeted


website traffic. Once you have targeted traffic coming to your site on a regular


basis, then you need to look at how many visitors come to your site before they


buy anything. This is called your conversion matrix.


Once you know what your conversion rate is, you can work out what the dollar


value is of every person who visits your site. When you know this dollar value,


you can start buying advertising on other websites with greater confidence and


certainty of being successful.


It’s simple, if you know that every person visiting your website is worth $1 you


know what your breakeven point is. Now you know your budget for advertising. Just follow these proven direct response methods. These principals never change.


You simply apply them to whatever the niche is for the website you’re designing.


When writing your headlines, don’t stop with just one. Remember your headline is


your ad, for your ad! Your headline is what will get people reading your first


paragraph. Then that paragraph needs to lead people to want to read the next


paragraph, and so on.


Don’t just stop at one headline, write as many as you possibly can. Use them


throughout the page and test headings.


A great way to test this is with Google Website Optimizer. Simply go to Google


and type in “Google Website Optimizer”. You can equally split your traffic over


several different headlines you write. Google Website Optimizer tells you which


one made you the most sales or got you the most subscribers.


Headlines are where you start when creating websites that sell, here’s a PDF of an ebook you can download for free that helps you write all the headlines you need.