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The American Dream Project...

00002.jpgThe American Dream Project consists of supplying our


readers with VALUABLE information that could completely


change their lives.


America offers so much for so many people from around the world. It has


always been a beacon of hope; of freedom. The world still wants to come


here because EVERYTHING is better here than anyplace else. Why?


Because even though there is a large segment of our society who wants to


tear down America, America is still the best place on the planet to live and


raise a family.


America is still the land of opportunity. Where else in the world is there such


a vast mixture of cultures living together in peace. Nowhere! That’s why


the majority of the worlds population still wants to live here so they too can


obtain The American Dream.


Just talk to any foreigner who has come to this country legally. They will tell


you how much better it is here, than where it was they came from. Just look around you. Minorities who come here from around the world take


advantage of the opportunities America offers. Many small business owners


are minorities living the “Dream” that they couldn’t live back in their home


countries. Sadly many Americans have lost that dream.


Do you realize that if you earn $30,000 a year in America, that you are in


the top 7% of the worlds income producers? That means that the other 93%


of the people on the planet make less than you. That's why people from


other countries think all Americans are rich.


Do you now maybe understand, when a foreigner comes to this country, why


many of them become so successful? They have opportunities here that they


simply did not have back in their home country.


America is going through a tough time in our history right now, but what I


see is an America that is waking up. Americans have taken their freedoms


for granted for far too long.


Now, with the talk of socialism sweeping through our government, the


government getting so much bigger, and with the Government debt that too


large for America to sustain, average Americans who have been a sleep for so many years, seem to be waking up to what we all have to lose – The
American Dream


Our Founding Fathers gave us a gift, unfortunately schools in America no


longer teach about our Founding Fathers and that gift. Parents are no longer


teaching it to their children. I have been studying our Founding Fathers for


about 20 years and I will say this: How can a country know where it is


headed, if doesn't know from where it came? It can’t!


The goal of The American Dream Project is to enhance the lives of our


readers, in essence, enhance Your American Dream.


Ï We will assist you in discovering how to take advantage of the “New
, the Internet, and show you how to make a comfortable living


from working at home. This FREE 23-Set WordPress 101 Video Series is


the beginning stages of Working Online from the comforts of home.


Ï We will share with you Real Estate Investor secrets that will show you how


to save thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars the next time you buy


or sell your next personal residence. These secrets have been hidden from


average Americans for decades. Just one secret alone shows you how to sell your house in 9 days without using a realtor.


Ï And, without good health, you're really not living The American Dream.


In fact, you have problems if you're not as healthy as you can be, therefore,


we will re-educate you on how to change your lifestyle with 8 Healthy
. Discover “The Secrets of Healthy Living and Natural Weight
by following a simple common sense, no nonsense approach to


healthier living.


00003.jpgThe American Dream Project touches on these three


most important elements of American living. It is our hope


that we will be able to assist you in your quest to improve one, or perhaps all three of these areas of your life.