How to Enjoy and Profit from Pinteresting by Kristy Jenkins - HTML preview

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How To Get Pinterest Followers

One of the new social media craze is the pinterest and it will be best that before you start using this, you will be aware of how to get pinterest followers. With all the social media application we have, it is hard to get hold of all of them. It is then important that you get techniques so that it will be easier to handle your followers from one social media to another. The first thing you can do is to tie up your existing social network with your pintrest account. One of the fastest and easiest ways to get more Pinterest followers is by tying your account to your existing Facebook and Twitter profiles. Doing so means that every new item you pin will be displayed to your followers on these networks. Since you already have established connections with subscribers on these sites, you’ll find that many of them elect to follow your Pinterest profile naturally.

Another you can do is to make your account easy to pin. Integrating Pinterest buttons into your blog posts, product pages and other areas of your site can help boost the number of times your content is pinned and lead to new followers for your profile. Because Pinterest is still relatively new, simply having these buttons in place provides a visual reminder for people to subscribe to your profile and engage with your content on this new site. You can also create boards to supplement your post; doing so makes your content more engaging and gives readers a reason to follow your profile.

It is important that you should pin regularly because this will help you find the ideal balance between posting title’s that has no value. For best results, aim to pin between 5-30 new items a day, depending on the number of active Pinterest boards you maintain. Then you can try to improve your board naming structure, this will help you follow the boards that are most relevant to them, it’s important that your board names make it immediately apparent what each of your boards are about.

People love tutorials, and the unique visual display of Pinterest makes it ideally suited to create tutorials that other users can follow. As an example, say you run a site that teaches affiliate marketing to website owners. Using Pinterest, you could create a “step-by-step” tutorial board, in which you feature links to different articles from around the web on topics like choosing affiliate products to promote, building traffic to your site and improving conversions. Create tutorials on topics that you know will interest a number of people and you’re sure to pick up more followers for your account. One of the ways that people find new Pinterest users to follow is by searching the site for interesting key phrases in order to uncover new pinned content.