How to Make Money at Home Online by Trevor McNichols - HTML preview

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Where There is Catastrophe There is opportunities

There are over 17 million Americans out of work! Did you know that right now there are approximately 750,000 people online at any given moment looking for work-from-home business opportunities? You probably know someone in your circle of friends who is one of them. In fact, seeing that you are reading this, you are one of them too.

Do you think you can make a living from working at home online? Absolutely Yes! Anyone can do it, but the best advice I can give you is this; if you are currently working, don’t quit your day job just yet, and if you are on government assistance, then this is the perfect time for you to jump right into the Internet.

Even though it is easy to make money at home online, there is a huge learning curve that goes along with it. The 2nd best piece of advice I can give is to be patient, it takes time to figure this business out, so don't give up!

A year from now your entire life could be changed. I strongly urge you to get good training and then start slow until you can begin to make a difference in your financial life.

As for me, I had to go through 18 months of internet marketing hell before I started figuring this business out. What I did was at first I tried to have local, so called, experts do everything for me only to be mislead, deceived and ripped off. Then I finally realized I needed to do it myself and I discovered internet marketers who developed proven systems that actually worked.

This ordeal was brutal, in fact, it was the worse experience of my life. I simply do not want you to have to go through what I had to go through.


Make Money at Home Online and, “Live and be FREE”!

As I have mentioned, the Internet is changing the way America does business and Americans are now starting to realize that they can make money at Home online.

It may be time for you to come up to SPEED with where our society and world is headed, and to start using the most cutting edge systems available to rake in some serious cash for yourself and your family on the internet.

Many Americans are being forced into this. There are simply no jobs available out there in the real world.

Every American is different! When you take a cross section of everyone, we all have different needs and desires; some will be happy to make an additional $1,000 per month, while others might desire much more. These systems are designed to take you to whatever level you desire.

I once heard a seminar speaker say a phrase that literally changed my life. He was talking about whom to take financial advice from. What did he say? He said,Only take financial advice from those who make more than ten times what you make”. That’s exactly what I did and it was life changing! Think about it. Why would you take financial advice from anyone else?

Now lets translate that into the internet. I could have the best products, or the best websites, or best Sales Pages on the Internet, but if I am not getting enough traffic to my websites, I would have no business. So in your new internet business, you must realize that the most important thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is to eat, sleep and dream about driving traffic to your websites. It is the single most crucial part of the puzzle for making money on Internet.

With the economy the way that it is, and with people waking up to the fact that the Internet is the “New Economy, many are wanting to discover how to make money online.

I hope you’re sitting back in your chair right now pondering what I’m telling you. You just may thinking, “Gee, I want to make money at home online too, but where do I start”?

You don’t have to just think about it anymore. There is no time better than the present to get started. And you will be amazed how inexpensive it really is to have your own internet business.

When you have no internet experience, and you have no products of your own to sell, becoming an internet marketer - selling other peoples products
- is exactly how to get started online.
The internet is the “New Economy”. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you may be able to change your life. However, the internet is full of hypes and scams, and frankly, I’m sick of it.

If you’ve been trying to make this business work for you, then I’m sure you’re sick of it too. Plus you can easily spend thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars and still not get to where you want to go.

Relax! You will not have to spend anywhere close to that amount to be successful. I finally realized that the key is to follow proven systems.

You have to be careful on whom you buy from and who you listen too. We have paid as much as $4,000 for one product for teaching us how to make money at home online, but it was junk.

I would say that approximately 95% of the internet marketers out there are nothing more than scammers selling products that fall way short of your actual needs.

They play on your fear, to entice you to buy from them. They get you to believe that for you to be successful you need their products, only to find out that once you buy their product, you still need many more pieces of the puzzle. It seems to be a never ending process.

With that said, what is a person, who wants to learn how to make money at home online, have to do to figure this business out? Well, for me it was finding that one person who is a successful internet innovator, who already has figured it out and who knows how to do it, and who is willing to teach others how to do it too.

What many beginners think is that you can start your own internet business with no money and with no experience. People, I don’t know of any business you can start for free. I don't know of any business you can start with absolutely no knowledge of the product or no experience.

You have to realize you need to follow a proven system that actually works. You have to realize that there will be tools and programs that you will need to purchase. And you have to become comfortable with the fact that it is OK for that person to charge for his/her knowledge and/or service, as long as what you are paying for leads you to make real money online.

The problem is that there are so many internet marketers who say they have the answers you are looking for, but in reality, many of them just want to sell you a junk product that will get you nowhere.

To make money on internet you need to be trained on a daily basis from successful internet marketers who have proven systems that work. And that means that if you follow step-by-step what they tell you to do, you will make money.

In following chapters I will tell you of a 19 year old who is making over $120,000 each month. Yeah, you read that correctly, over $120,000 each and every month. How would you like to accomplish just a fraction of that? With proper training and guidance, and then knowing and understanding how to drive HUGE amounts of traffic to your sites, only then will you have the success you desire. Only then will you be able to quit your day job, or get off government assistance, and live the lifestyle you dream of.

In essence, to live The American Dream!