How to Outsource Scrum Projects by VA - HTML preview

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Why not to outsource?

Outsourcing software development and  software services is a great opportunity to scale business, provide high-quality software faster, and focus on core elements of the business instead of developing tools supporting it. But not always.

There are certain situations and reasons against outsourcing that should be known before taking the decision.

First of all, the Partner might be simply not yet ready for outsourcing. For many entrepreneurs, outsourcing is not only a tool to optimise cost and timeline, but a serious risk of transferring unique product know-how out of the company's country. Building a trust-based relationship with a developer is the key.

Secondly, outsourcing is neither good for the Partner nor for his or her business if he or she doesn't know Agile software development or doesn't see any value in it. The Scrum framework, even though it appears to be simple, is a difficult and  disciplined approach that ignites change and  helps organisation evolve more rapidly with a better risk control, which requires full focus, openness, and  courage. If the Partner is not ready to take up the glove - we recommend that he or she doesn't, although some evangelisation always takes place.

Thirdly, outsourcing is always a risk of lower communication and  a lack of transparency between a Partner and  a developer. Especially if the Partner and  developer represent different cultures. If the Partner's not ready to invest in online communication channels and  regular meetings with a subcontractor nor to be asked many questions not only before development, but also during the entire collaboration - we'd rather recommend reconsideration of the aims related to outsourcing.

It's smart to be careful with quality. Although the result of development will be easily visible, the quality of software is usually concealed. It's easier to measure it in the Partner's own playground than in the developer's one. Thus, if you are not sure if a developer tests the software properly, it's may be a good idea to look for an alternative.

Finally, not only IT companies search for outsourcing opportunities. Perhaps a reader of this e-book represents a different industry and  is only looking for a software house to develop and  deliver what he or she needs. If so, we're coming back to the trust.


Selection tree: when to outscource, credits: Xsolve