IMDb Off-Shoots: How to Fail as an Admin -- of internet Messageboards by Former IMDb User - HTML preview

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These are very shitty forums that allow users to create their own messageboards for free. Problems? A very PC nerdy fat balding geek operates this site, and the desire for pussy has made this guy enforce so many posting rules that there won't be ever any SomethingAwful or stormfront type forum based on proboards.


Internet Messageboards are a dying breed. The future of internet looks very PC and the good old days of the Internet are gone. Everything is moderated. Even sites like 4chan and its competitors are about to get banned from the internets forever for their controversial content.

Everything is moderated. You are not allowed to post on the internet without revealing your personal information. You will get arrested if you say anything that your government doesn't like. You will get banned on twitter for questioning celebrities and public figures. You will get banned on Facebook if you post anonymously. We have a right to post anonymously. It is in the law!