IOT Enabled by Amin Nagpure - HTML preview

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Industrial Internet of things


Factories can automate their repeated tasks, which can both improve productivity and efficiency,
a simple case study, an IOT consultant is invited to a mid-size potato chip company, to figure out the inefficiency and ways to automate things and to improve productivity and efficiency.

after the chips are baked they move along a conveyor belt where a team of workers wait to inspect them, looking for either overcooked or undercooked chips, when team spots an unacceptable chip, he will just flip the chip on the floor, and the belt will move on, later that chips which are thrown on floor are collected and included in feed for farm animals, you can easily see here a team of people watching chips moving on the conveyor belt whole day and flipping chips which are unacceptable,  it is also error prone and the job is of course very boring, here the automation can take place and remove inefficiency and improve productivity.

A simple webcam over the top of the conveyor belt and special computer vision software which can detect bad chips and strategically placed air nozzles would shoot tiny puffs of air at the chips in question blowing them off the belt.

This type of solution is already implemented in many potato chips company, it also saves money and improves efficiency, and staff which is employed to flip the bad chips can now be utilized in other area, where it can bring more efficiency or sales.

If you are planning to be an IOT consultant this could be the job for you, automate the industries bring down their costs, improve efficiency and automate as much as possible to boost productivity

Machines have tendency to break down due to variety of reason, a mechanic is always present in the assembly line, just in case a problem occurs, we can free him or lessen his work, by using IOT solution to the machines,

IOT solutions can monitor the machines using webcam and detect vibrations, when vibrations exceed a certain level, that means conveyor belt or gears are slipping , or some other issue, if the vibrations has altogether stopped that means machine has halted production, now mechanics can be alerted

IOT enabled machines can detect overheating and slow down its production, IOT enabled machines can detect occurrence of problem, with this data we can better understand machines and manage accordingly, we can predict future failures and act accordingly.

Consumer IOT

You must heard & seen on Tv, that how a 12th pass student has made an app, which can track your motorbike location,  preventing it from getting stolen, this are actually very  simple IOT devices which anyone who can read and write can make, there are tutorials available for that.

I am putting list of successful IOT products

fitbit develops IOT devices to monitor your health, fitbit is an physical activity tracker designed to help people became more active, basically help people become healthier human being, it was introduced by its co founder Eric Friedman & James Park in 2008, in short it’s a 21st century pedometer

The product is deceptively simple, its only 2 inches long and 1.2 inches thick, throughout the day

You can check more about it in YouTube

Search in YouTube for Fitbit to understand it more

Amazon Echo

Amazon echo is amazing IOT device, round shaped speaker, which is always connected to the internet, and whenever you say “Alexa” it gets activated and will listen to your command.

For ex. “Alexa What Time is it”, it will tell your current time, it will tell time according to your current location.

It can play music for you, it can read news for you, it will answer most of your question, and it can help kids do homework.

Amazon Echo can Read Kindle Books for you, can play audible books, it can also be your alarm clock and wake you up on time you set.

Amazon Echo can be connected to your home devices, and then you can switch lights on or off

Amazon Echo can take down your shopping orders and directly shop from amazon, It is far better than Apple Siri.

I just wanted to introduce you to amazon echo, you can Google about amazon echo, and YouTube it to get to know more about amazon echo

Check out more about it in YouTube


This is similar to amazon echo, but it is lot better since it has face, this is lot better than amazon echo, but since a big company like Amazon is behind Echo it is selling more.

It is also an IOT enabled speaking device (Assistant), you will never feel lonely if you have JIBO

Amazon Dash
You never run low on things which are important to you, it's amazon dash button available to amazon prime members,  whenever you are low on particular day to day consumer product you just need to press the dash button and it will order it for you.

There are 18 different brand buttons currently available, each button is decorated with the brand logo and you can keep it anywhere, whenever it gets low you just press the button. It’s a very simple IOT device.

Check out this amazon dash video

Amazon is bringing many new changes in consumer service, it’s making new radical innovation, I think it will overtake Google, since Google is busy with DARPA, amazon will run over Google in consumer related products.

Amazon is also working on better version of “Amazon Dash”, “Amazon Dash Replenishment”, it will monitor and analyze your use of a particular product and will auto order it for you, so you don’t fall short on the product you use the most. This will make life very easy for you, since you won’t have to remember small things.

What they are trying to do is to take humans off from ordering cycle

Amazon is simply amazing in doing day to day innovations for use of common people.


(If this then that) is a cool, IOT enabled service

If helps you connect all your apps, you can also connect your IOT Devices like fitbit, you can connect your home lights with IFFT, like IFFT can blink your home lights if someone photo tags you on facebook,  there are many recipes available, you can also create your own recipes

Learn more about it

If you are very busy person, this thing can help you save time, you can automate things.

Philips Hue

If it basically allows you to control your light bulbs from anywhere, it’s an IOT enabled light bulbs system. You can even program with to blink, whenever some 1 tags you in photo. You can even make it to change light colors with your favorite music to enhance your mood, if you configure it with amazon echo or Apple Siri you can switch lights on and off with your words.

Check its YouTube video demo