Incorporate Online Business Optimization Into Your Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business by Smokey T. Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Best Small Business To Start? There Is a Secret to It!

The best small business to start requires no investment, is free to all,

does not require you to have a degree in rocket science and has no

ceiling on how much you can earn. Now, let me ask you this about

properly built home based internet businesses. How much better can it

get? As an extra incentive, once it is up, running and has online business

optimization, it goes on autopilot. You can tweak it, build onto it or

change it from anywhere in the world.

How sweet is that?

This magical

small home




business is called affiliate marketing. The list of small business ideas

that you can create from this concept is as long as you have creativity.

Build a business on something you love or something you believe will

make lots of money. All the choices are yours. The secret lies in the

World Wide Web.

Some examples of small business ideas that have succeeded wildly:

A massive website dealing strictly with Windows XP? You bet!

Building on something you love is a sure way to success and the best

small business to start. In a moment, I’ll tell you about home based

internet businesses that are really unusual . And do you begin to

notice how home based internet businesses are taking on a new,

easier to understand meaning?

Someone built a magical site on radio controlled model airplanes. His

site is the most visited model airplane site in the world. He never leaves

home except to have coffee with "the boys from work" when they get a little time off.

A couple in rural Montana have a booming business dealing in antique

porcelain dolls!

In Israel, a young man fed up with teaching built, with the help of his

sister, a hugely successful website on children's birthday party ideas!

Do you remember a time when home based internet businesses were

impossible? It wasn’t long ago that most of what we take for granted on

the web were not available to the average person.

Germany was the home of a young woman who wanted to see the world.

She fell in love with remote central Australia. She built a strong internet

online marketing advertising business creating and promoting nature

tours of Central Australia and now makes her living from home in the

land she loves. The best small business to start involves your heart, not

Wall Street figures.

Tired of the cold and wet? A young couple in Scotland had enough of

the dreary weather, built a website dealing in villa rentals in warm,

sunny and dry Tuscany, Italy. Oh, by the way, they decided to move

there and are raising their babies in the sun.

There are thousands more examples of the best small business to start.

The best small business to start has to begin, well, somewhere. Get

information on affiliate marketing. Educating yourself about online

business optimization is the key.

Small business ideas are a dime a dozen. What do you do with them?

What are the risks? If you’re thinking if home based internet businesses

could be built around any subject, you are right.

Who wants to quit a steady job to take a gamble on a small business?

Using the internet, knowing what you are doing and taking your time,

you can create and build an excellent business in your spare hours that is

not threatened by bad economic times.

Risk is virtually nil. The sky is the limit and you can be the first kid on

your block to say goodbye to gridlock traffic and the boss! Let your

home based business online business be your key to freedom.

In conclusion: The World Wide Web has turned the business world

upside down. Where you used to need lots of cash, you don't need any

anymore. No more quitting jobs and taking big chances. Slow and

cautious is the way to success in internet online marketing. Advertising

business potential is growing as more and more methods of making them

pay come into play. Just be wary of anyone trying to sell you on the idea

of quick and easy. I wonder, even as you continue to read this

book, if you can get your head around the idea that home based

internet businesses are here to stay, that they are the key to your

personal financial security?

Online Business Optimization – The Internet Online Marketing Advertising

Business – End chapter 4



Online Business Optimization,

Home Based Internet Businesses,

The Home Based Business Online Business Opportunity,

And The Internet Online Marketing Advertising Business