Making A Living Online - What Do I Do First? by Rhonda Grice - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Self-Made Millionaire – Could You Be One?

Not everyone that has money inherited it. There are many self-made millionaires in the world today. Many from investing in real estate, and some from their inventions, or just starting a home business that grew into a giant of a business. You may not want to be a millionaire but thinking like a millionaire will help your business to grow.

When doing research on how millionaires think and work I found that all set a fortune goal. To set a fortune goal you have to know what you really want. Millionaires will tell you that before they were rich they wanted many things.

Some wanted financial security, to be able to travel, a luxury home and car, or security for their children. One common thing millionaires found is that the bigger your goals, the bigger you income will be! You should think about that for a few minutes because it's a very profound statement that can change your life forever.

The truth is that self-made millionaires do work hard, but not any harder than many other people in this world. However, the difference is their goals. It amazes me, even in my own family, how many people have never written down a goal. They say things like “I wish”, but wishing will never get you anything or anywhere.

Bernard Baruch, an American Financier once said “The first requisite for making a lot of money is to WANT to make a lot of money”, and that is very true. It's really the time that more people should take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and make a path to their future as they want it to be.

I truly believe that any successful business can be the basis for a million dollar company. Once you get a method of making money that works, repeat it over and over again.

Age is the excuse that many people use for not starting their own business, but that is just a bunch of hooey! Do you remember Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken? Of course, everyone has eaten some of that delicious chicken. But what you might not know is that Harland Sanders was 66 years old before he even started trying to get people interested in his fried chicken recipe. He was a good way into retirement age before he became a millionaire.

Some entrepreneurs have gotten rich because they solved a problem. Take for example Carl Magee. He was so tired of all the good parking spots downtown being taken that he invented the coin operated parking meter.

He was 70 years old at the time. If you think positive and set goals you will be ahead of 95 percent of the public that starts a home business, and you have a very good chance of succeeding.

Whether you are wanting a part time business or a full time one you need to put pen to paper and see what you need to make to make it worth your time. I can guarantee you the millionaires put pen to paper many times over and kept scaling their business in an upward trend.

Find out what others in this type of business are making and see if it is still in your top five choices.  It may take a while before the choice is narrowed down to a couple of plausible options but the elimination process is both prudent and necessary to ensure the merited focus is given.