Making A Living Online - What Do I Do First? by Rhonda Grice - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

Ideas for a Home Businesses

Online and Off

This chapter won't be very long; I just wanted to get your mind to clicking with ideas of some of the types of businesses that people are going in to. I will list the offline business ideas first, then the online business ideas.

Offline Business Ideas


Pet groomer


Multi-level marketing

Homemade products to sell



Answering Service

Wedding Planner

Food Business

Tutoring at home

Aerobic classes


Buy and Sell Cars

Baby Shoe Bronzing

Cabinet Making

Childbirth Instructor



Music Teacher

Self Defense Instructor

Cake Decorating

Online Businesses


Resume business online

Typist/thesis writer for college students

E-book Author

Freelance Content Writer

Affiliate Marketing (places like Clickbank, Amazon, eBay, etc.)

Crafts sales on eBay or Estsy

Selling antiques or other items on eBay

Product sales online from other companies( like water filters, exercise equipment, etc.)

Online Services, such as writing, or website building

Sell stock photographs online – take pictures and sell to online photo sites

YouTube Channel creator

Virtual Assistant

Graphic Designer  (printables, t-shirts,coffee mugs, etc)

Online Tutoring

Selling your own courses online

Teaching your hobby online

There are probably hundreds more that I didn't list and more than enough businesses to go around.

Online Marketing Techniques

In one of the earlier chapters we talked some about blog and forum commenting and how it can really get you customers in a hurry. Also writing articles for your website will also bring in traffic.

The truth is when you have an online business it comes down to one main key ingredient. That ingredient is traffic! You may have the most beautiful website in the world, but if no one knows it's there it will do you absolutely no good.

This key ingredient has some qualifications in order for it to work. That traffic needs to be targeted traffic. If you are selling blue widgets and the people coming to your site are looking for red widgets, you probably won't make very many sales.

So how to you reach your target audience? It's not all that hard. When you post on blogs and forums, make sure they are related in some way to what you sell or what service you offer. 

By now you may be wondering if that's all there is to it? The answer is no, but you are on your way. It is also important to learn about keywords and how to use them. Keywords are words that are used in your articles or on your website a special number of times.

When I write an article I like my keyword or keyword phrase to be about 1 to 1 ½ percent of the total word count. You need to have a keyword because that is how the search engine spiders and bots, as they call them, crawl your site to determine what it's about.

Once they determine what your site is about, they understand how to start ranking you in their search engine list. Your goal is to eventually end up on the first page of the search engine so that when someone is searching for blue widgets, your site is right there in front of them.

In the meantime while you are learning the ways of getting your pages set up for traffic you can get your website set up and start doing the blog and forum promoting. This book is not on how to build a website, but you can find those all over the Internet, so don't think you can't do it. If you use WordPress as your platform you will find it very simple and easy to use. I have created websites and used WordPress for them all.