Making A Living Online - What Do I Do First? by Rhonda Grice - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

My Success Story

When I first decided to have my own business at home I didn't know many of the things being taught in this book, but determination on my part helped me to succeed anyway. So, don't worry if you don't learn it all right from the get-go, or make a few mistakes.

I've made so many mistakes I would be ashamed to tell you.  Part of my story I have shared in previous chapters in order to use as an example, so bear with me if I repeat any. Here is the short version.

I have always dreamed of creating some kind of business that was just my own, something that I could be proud of and feel good about, and my search led me on many paths. Back when I was in my younger days, when my children were small, the Internet was just getting started and anyone who wanted their own business had to open a store or work from home.

Most jobs you could find back then were things like lawn service, ironing, babysitting, etc. Thank goodness all that has changed today and entrepreneurship is on the rise.

Basically I waited until my children were grown to even think about doing something by myself, and being a writer is what I dreamed of. I spent a couple of years learning about writing, attending writer's workshops, and writing my novel. I submitted the novel to a publisher and nine months later they said “we liked your manuscript but it's too much like something we've done in the past. Can you send us something else?” Send them something else! Did they know how long it took me to do that one?

You see (telling my age here), that was before computers were in every home, back in the 80s, and I had typed the book on a typewriter. Not once, but three times because each draft and revision meant it had to all be typed over again. Thank God for word processors!

I gave up that dream and went to work for someone else again. Please, don't waste years like I did. If you have a dream, follow it! After many more years of that I made the decision that lots of opportunities were online and I was going to try again. I'm so glad I did.

I built websites and wrote content for several years strictly for myself before I decided to write for a living. By this time I had learned how to market and advertise my websites, so decided marketing a service would be about the same thing, and it was. I was fortunate enough to make over $1500 my third month in the business. I knew I was on to something then!

Will everyone be this lucky? Well it wasn't all luck. I had been honing my skills for the business for several years without even knowing it, so when I decided to get started it was a lot easier.  Today I make my living writing for myself, Amazon Kindle, and blogging.  .

Can you take something you have been learning all your life and make a business out of it? It's very possible, so when you finish this book, be sure and make those lists I talked about in the beginning so you can find just the right business for you.

Beating the Giant is a video course that will shorten your learning curve if you are planning on an online business.  Enjoy and good luck!