Monetizing Online Forums by Patrick O'Keefe - HTML preview

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AdBrite 39

AdEngage 25, 30

Adfonic 80

AdJuggler 36

Adly 82

ad marketplaces 38

Admeld 36

Ad Network Directory 33

ad networks 38

ad servers vs. 35

managing 36

selling display advertising with 3133

ad placement

display ads 2021

media kit information on 27

and price 2324

ad quantity

display ads 1920

and pricing 24

AdSense 37

ad servers 3536

ad size

display advertising 1819

media kit information on 27

and price 23

advertisements. See also specific headings

classified 5152

when you open your forums 16

advertisement threads 5152

disclosure of 5253

effect of, on moderation 53

advertiser exclusion 37


direct sales to (See direct ad sales to advertisers)

making your inventory easily buyable for 2931

open line of communication with 26

pitching 29

advertising. See also display advertising

in-text monetization 3940, 44

mobile 8081

thread based 5152 33

advertising marketplaces 30

advertising networks, mobile 80

Adzerk 36

affiliate links 4044

affiliate networks 33, 59, 62

affiliate programs 5967

and automatic affiliatization 66

disclosure of 6667

evaluating 6162

integration of 6265

mobile 81

and value of your traffic 6061

affiliate tags, adding 42 61, 63

aMember Pro 75

American Express 61

Android 79

Apple 79

application programming interface (API) 64

Associate-O-Matic 64


filtering ads for 31

in-text monetization considerations with 47

audience data 27

audience measurement services 28

automatic affiliatization 66

Avangate 62


benchmarking (for ad pricing) 26

Big Commerce 71

billing 73

Bizo 32

brandable items 72

branded merchandise 68

brand specific forums 55

break-even point 71

Brogan, Chris 82

Burst Media 33 25, 30 25, 30 PRO 36

BuzzCity 80


CafePress 6970

Casale Media 33

Chammyz 70

change 16

Chitika 33

CJ (Commission Junction) 62

classified advertisements 4951, 53

ClickBank 62

Clickbooth 62

clients, respect for 13

co-branded content 6465

Commission Junction (CJ) 62

community management 1314

contacts, identifying 29


correct monetization of 46

paid 72

relationship of ads to 21

contributed content, monetization of 39

cookies 15, 60

CoreCommerce 71

cost per acquisition (CPA) 17, 41

cost per action (CPA) 59

cost per click (CPC) 18, 39

cost per thousand impressions (CPM) 17

Cox Digital Solutions 32

CPA (cost per acquisition) 17, 41

CPA (cost per action) 59

CPA networks 33See also affiliate programs

affiliate networks vs. 59

largest 62

CPC (cost per click) 18, 39

CPM (cost per thousand impressions) 17

custom advertising 18


The DECK 32

demographic data 28

design services 49

direct ads 38

direct ad sales to advertisers 2231, 38

ad placement 2324

ad quantity 24

ad size 23

developing media kit for 2728

interactive ads 25

making it easy to buy ads 2931

for mobile devices 81

pitching 29

pricing 2226

setting rates for 2526

and subject matter of your forums 2425

targeting options 25

direct purchasing 7072


of ad threads 5253

of affiliate programs 6667

of discounted or free product reviews 57

of in-text monetization 4748

in outposts 83

display advertising 15–38

and basic revenue models 1618

best practices for 1822

for different levels of visitors 2122

measuring success of 3335

mixing different strategies and services 38

optimization of 3637

placement of 2021

privacy policy for 15

quantity of 1920

selling directly to advertisers 2231

selling with ad networks 3133

serving ads 3536

sizes of 1819

when you open your forums 16

Display Advertising Creative Format Guidelines 18

domain names 42

DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) 36


eBay 61, 63

effective CPM (eCPM) 3334

e-mail newsletters 19


Facebook 8283

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 6667

Federated Media Publishing 32

FedEx 71

filters 31

Firebug 31

Flippa 49

focus groups 5758

Ford Motor Company 61

forecasting inventory 71

Forum Runner 7980

forums, layout of 20

forum software 20

freebies 71 15

Fresh Store Builder 64

FTC (Federal Trade Commission) 6667


GlamMedia 32

Google 29, 64, 79

Google AdSense 26, 33, 35, 80

Google AdSense for Feeds 19

Google Affiliate Network 62

Google Analytics 27

Gourmet Ads 32

guaranteed ads 38

guaranteed basis 17


horizontal ad networks 33

house 38


iAd Network 80

IDG TechNetwork 32

impressions 17

inappropriate ads 31

Indeed 65

Infolinks 3940

InMobi 80

in-person sales 73

interactive ads 25

Internet Advertising Bureau 18

in-text advertising 45

in-text affiliate links

density of 45

format and styling for 44

with in-text advertising 4344

in-text monetization 3948

advertising 3940, 44

affiliate links 4044

audience considerations with 47

disclosure of 4748

ensuring correct content for 46

inform your moderators about 47

link density 45

link formatting and styling 44

tailoring integration to type of visitor 4546


amount of 36

forecasting 71

iOS 79

iPad 79

iPhone 79

iPod Touch 79


job boards 65

JobThread 65

Jumptap 80


Kontera 3940


Learnable 72

lift 34

link affiliatization 4546

link density 45

LinkedIn 29

link injection 41, 45

link redirection 42

link rewriting 4041

LinkShare 62

load time 35


madvertise 80

Magento Community 71

Marcotte, Ethan 79

MarketLeverage 62

measuring success 3335

media kits 2728


non-premium 77

premium 7478

merchandise runs 6972

Millennial Media 80

mobile 7981

access and applications 7980

advertising 8081

affiliate programs 81

Mobile Theory 80

moderators (moderation)

informing, of in-text monetization service 47

of premium-member-only communities 78

product centric discussions initiated by 47

MOG Music Network 32

Mozilla Firefox 31

multi-channel attribution reporting 60

MyLikes 82


NAVTEQ Media Solutions 80

NDesigns 70

NetShelter Technology Media 32


bulk 38

price priority 38

network ads 32

Neverblue 62

niche forums

for in-text affiliate links 41

sponsorship model for 17

niche items 72

99designs 49

non-premium members 77

nSphere 65


OIOpublisher 30

Omakase 63

on-demand services 69

oneNetworkDirect 62

open-source shopping cart 7071

OpenX 36


of display advertising 3637

of mobile ads 80

optimization services 38

osCommerce 71