Online Business Starter Guide by Leona Kim & Russell Reeves - HTML preview

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First of all, this booklet is a curation of highly useful action tips and trusted resources – specially selected to help internet marketing (IM) newbies (specifically those who are starting from scratch with no idea and no product yet) in learning a few important things:

1. The Ugly Truths of The Internet Marketing World

2. Goal-Setting for Your Online Business

3. The 3 Things to Do Before Anything Else

4. The 3 Important Skills to Learn & Master (or Outsource) to Build & Grow Your Online Business

If you're just getting started in online marketing, this book (and the bonus at the end) should provide you with enough information and action steps to immediately start your online business... and progressively grow it into a lucrative one.




Disclosure: This booklet is meant to cover the few important aspects of internet marketing that I think would be highly useful for those who are just starting out. The tips and resources shared here are by no means exhaustive. Some of the links here are affiliate links, which means I earn a little commission if you purchase from the people I recommend. But rest assured that everything that I recommend here are what I use and love myself (besides thousands of others around the world) -- and I recommend them because they can truly help speed up your learning process and business growth.