Online Business Starter Guide by Leona Kim & Russell Reeves - HTML preview

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4. The 3 IMPORTANT Skills to Learn & Master (or Outsource) to Build & Grow Your Online Business


Whether you’re promoting your own product or someone else’s product, here are the 3 key skills you must focus on THE MOST… in order to build, maintain and grow your online business successfully, starting with...


i. Persuasive Copywriting

Persuasive copywriting is a must-learn skill if you want to succeed in your online business.

Because you are going to need it to sell in your ads, landing pages, sales letters, and emails. (Today we're going to focus on your sales copy specifically)

Even if you’re not going to write your own copy (which means you’ll be outsourcing), you need to learn how to distinguish good copy from bad copy.

As Pete OC aptly puts it, “If you’re not learning copy… and you’re trying to build a profitable online business… you’re basically wasting your time.”

In case you haven’t heard of Pete, he’s an elite email marketer and   direct response copywriter trained in the art of persuasive copywriting at the $600-million-a-year email marketing empire, Agora Inc.

Your words are basically your conversation with your target audience. When crafting your copy, you must focus on the core desires and emotions of your readers.

Many business owners make the mistake of talking endlessly about their product features and how accomplished they are in their sales copy... thus leaving much money on the table for their more customer-centric competitors.

So instead of talking about yourself and your product, your copy should revolve around your target audience... meaning you must focus on their pains and struggles, their dominant emotions, as well as their dreams and aspirations.

In other words, you must put yourself 'in their world', and use 'their words' to show them how your product or service can end their pains and/or help them achieve their aspirations.

To do so, you can refer to your market research earlier on... the part where you search for relevant niche forums -- where your target audience share their frustrations and ask for help from the community.

Similarly, look at the 5-star and 1-star reviews (for Amazon), and the Q&As (for Quora) -- take note of the words that your target audience are using to describe their aspirations, pains and frustrations... and use those words in your copy.