Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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In the first table, pick records one by one and check whether basic-pay is less than 30000 or not, If basic-pay is less than 30000 then the gross-pay with be l75% of basic-pay else (more than 30000) gross-pay need to be calculated as l60%,



low-pay constant number(3,2) = l,75; high-pay constant number(3,2) = l,60; l-gross-pay number(l6,2);

cursor cl is select * from emp-pay;


cl-val cl%ROWTYPE;




open cl;




fetch cl into cl-val;


exit when cl%NOTFOUND;


if cl-val,basic-pay <= 30000 then


l-gross-pay := cl-val,basic-pay * low-pay;




l-gross-pay := cl-val,basic-pay * high-pay;


end if;


insert into emp-gross values (cl-val,emp-id, l-gross-pay)


l-gross-pay := 0 ;


end loop;


close cl;

