Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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fetch cl into cl-val;     -- every fetch will pick l record and assigns to cl-val

exit when cl%NOTFOUND;   -- when reads come to last record … it




cum-rainfall := cum-rainfall + cl-val,rainfall;


end loop; close cl; end;


18.05      How to use for loop


for <<l-temp> l ,,  l0  loop end  loop;

For Example:


We have one table named as test and we have two columns as coll and col2, I want to insert l0 records, Coll will have some values and col2 must be stored as square of coll, First value starts from l22,



temp-Value number;




for temp-value in l22 ,, l3l loop


insert into test values ( temp-value, temp-value * temp-value);


end loop;





18.06      How to use while loop


while   <<l-temp>>    <= 99