Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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desired folder. For example you shall create a folder in D drive as soft source (d:softsource) and then the downloaded software can be saved in that folder. While downloading, this may ask your user-id and password to know the person's identity of downloaded obJects. After saving in the desired location double click the d:softsourceoracleXEUniv.exe this will start installing the oracle XE to your computer.







img3.png      Click Next on Welcome Page


img3.png      On the License Agreement Window, click


Accept Terms and Click Next


img3.png Choose   Destination   Location   using browse or leave the default and click NEXT

img3.png Specif the  databas passwords  for system (SYS) database You have to enter the password twice ( if you do not have password in mind use the password as admin123 and remember it ) Click NEXT