Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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be terminated with semi-colon (;) From the above said, we shall be able get the result as

Table Name : Account-head-Master


Column Name            Data Type      Length Precision


Rec-id                       Number


Account-head           Varchar2        30


Account-type            Varchar2        30


Since, we converted the excel data as table, we are able to understand  the table name, column  name, data with respect to stored data in the excel sheet. But here we are seeing the new word as Data Type. One may understand that there are basically two main data types are   prevailing   in  the  Database  a Numeric Non- Numeric. Further anything which is subJect to arithmetical operations can be classified as numeric data and other vice-versa data are classified as Non-Numeric. But Here there are two data types as Number, Varchar2 has been used. Let us try to understand the definition of these data types. Character data types store alphanumeric data, text.