Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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CASH ACCOUNT   Cash Account            oracle apex SALES ACCOUN Sales Account           oracle-apex On seeing the result, you shall find syntax is self- explanatory and achieved the desired results,

11.13 How to use concatenate


Concatenation (I I) -- two vertical lines -- pipe symbol can be used to combine or Join two string, character type column name, In case, if one need to combine numeric data to string, then numeric data need to be converted as string or character type data and then Join 1 combine two different string data, We will try to evaluate using sql statement where both concatenation function and pipes usage,

SYNTAX:   selec conca ('Miss  ' 'Anugraha')  as




'Miss ' II 'Anugraha' as "SYMBAL-USE" from dual; RESULT:

FUNCTION-USE                 SYMBAL-USE Miss Anugraha                       Miss Anugraha

We  have  one requirement as voucher  no has been declared as character and length 10 char (10), The first three characters should be 'RPT' 'PYT' 'JOU' and