Oracle SQL, PLSQL, APEX How To's by Dr. S. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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11.20      How to use LENGTH( )



To find out the no of characters in any column or text data, we need to use the following syntax:

Syntax:  select length( ',aaa,bbb,') as result from dual;


Result :




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11.21 How to use INSTR( ) function


To find out the position of required characters on the occurrence in any column or text data, we need to use the following syntax:

instr( column-nameldata  , to be located characters set, start from , occurrence )

instr( ',aaa,bbb, ,   ','     ,   1  ,   2  )


Syntax:   select instr( ',aaa,bbb,',',', 1,2) as result from dual;

Result :

