Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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and Sim-

This is a refreshing change from many


legal firm Twitter accounts which can

often be overly conservative and less

communicative. However, Simmons and



Simmons have a much friendlier tone in

their social content and seem to take an

Simmons and Simmons are a very pres-

active interest in communicating with

tigious and established London-based

others. They also include plenty of im-

legal firm. They employ over 1,500 in-

ages in their content, meaning that their

dividuals across the world and have es-

tweets are very engaging and sharable:

tablished 22 different offices on multiple




The firm has a diverse range of expertise

and is widely regarded as excelling in

challenging projects, including in sec-

tors such as dispute resolution, finance,

and corporate matters.


What do Simmons and Simmons do




Simmons and Simmons are a prestigious

Sharing quality content

legal firm, but they don’t have the sub-

In addition to this, Simmons and Sim-

stantial Twitter following that you might

mons take an active interest in sharing

expect. This is somewhat surprising be-

useful content from other Twitter ac-

cause overall their account is very en-

counts. One of the problems with sever-

gaging and useful for those in the legal

al accounts in this report is that legal


firms will often not take the time to


speak with others. However, Simmons

Personalised approach

and Simmons are very good at distribut-

Simmons and Simmons are very good at

ing content from other reputable

utilising social media to encourage users


to think of their firm in a more friendly

and approachable way:

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 52 of 63



Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

Altogether, these efforts help to give the firm a unique brand identity which can

translate into the wider digital marketing strategy. Certainly Simmons and Sim-By taking the time to show an active in-

mons have one of the most memorable

terest of other user’s accounts, Simmons

Twitter accounts of the firms in this re-

and Simmons help to demonstrate that



they have a wide knowledge of the legal

sector around them. This is incredibly

How can this be replicated?


important because it also reinforces the

firm’s status as a thought-leader in the

Develop client relationships through


positive communication


If other firms wish to replicate this suc-

Engaging content

cess, then it’s important to use social

Overall, the Simmons and Simmons

media in a visually engaging and inter-

Twitter account is very good at includ-

active way. Simmons and Simmons

ing plenty of images and visuals in their

have made a consistent effort to distin-

content. This might not seem particular-

guish their social media content from

ly useful, but many legal firms fail to

the other conservative social content

make their social content visually ap-

which is available on Twitter. This helps


to reinforce the brand’s overall aware-


ness and potentially generate long-term

The Simmons and Simmons Twitter ac-

interest in the firm.


count gives their followers a much more

tangible understanding of their corporate

Using emotive language and visuals go

culture. They use plenty of images and

a long way in achieving this. However,

actually promote their employees on so-

the most important part in achieving this

cial media:

is taking the time to produce great social content on a regular basis.


By doing this, a firm will potentially

improve upon their client relationships

and develop long-term business rela-

tionships. This process also goes a sig-

nificant way in generating leads too.


Take an interest in other Twitter ac-


Simmons and Simmons excel at getting

involved in the latest trends and topics

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 53 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

which are affecting their industry. They

If businesses want online users to re-

will frequently share interesting articles member their brand, then it’s important

and news updates with their followers;

to raise your public profile on a frequent meaning that they offer something gen-level.

uinely valuable to their clients and



tweeting regularly is a good way of


tackling the common problem of big

This is something that many legal firms

businesses not having enough followers

could learn from. It’s an important way

on Twitter. Rather than buying fake ac-

of proving to your followers that you

counts, which is expensive and superfi-

have a good general understanding of

cial, it would be better to take your time the industry around you. These types of

and build up meaningful interactions

efforts will also help to potentially in-

through frequent tweeting. This is cer-

crease a firm’s status as a thought-

tainly a long-term task, but it’s more


likely to pay off than only updating your


account sporadically.

How can Simmons and Simmons im-



Send content directly to prospects


In order to raise their brand awareness,

Although Simmons and Simmons have

Simmons and Simmons would benefit

a good Twitter account, they are not cur-

from sending their publications directly

rently being followed as much as you

to the prospects they wish to target. This would expect.

would allow them to start a dialogue


with the individuals that matter most to

This could be for a variety of reasons,

them. Furthermore, it would potentially

but most likely they have no succeeded

increase the chances are their content

in raising awareness about their brand

being shared across a wider platform

on a digital platform. There are several

than before.

ways of achieving this:



Communicate more with other online

tweet consistently


The quality of Simmons and Simmons’

While Simmons and Simmons have en-

tweets are very good, however, they

gaging social content, their tweets don’t

simply don’t do this frequently enough.

always attract as much attention as they

Their account is updated roughly once

deserve. This could be partly due to the

every few days - meaning that they are

fact that Simmons and Simmons don’t

failing to maximise the potential of us-

communicate directly with online users.

ing social media.

Overall, their conversations with poten-


tial clients via Twitter are few and far in between.

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Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

firm who wants social media to work for