gal firms in this report, Latham and
Watkins use Twitter primarily as a vehi-
cle to promote their own corporate ma-
terial. This means that the firm is very
good at consistently producing high
quality content on a daily basis.
Frequent updates
Latham and Watkins are undoubtedly
One of the other reasons for Latham and
one of the largest legal firms in the
Watkins’ success is that they’re good at
world. They have over 2,000 lawyers in
updating their Twitter page on a regular
their employment and have a wide range
basis. At the very least, the firm will
of offices, including in New York and
usually tweet out new social content at
San Francisco.
least once a day. This means that their
followers can rely on and trust the firm
For this reasons, the legal firm have
to produce quality content regardless.
amassed a significant following on Twit-
ter and continue to be major thought-
As a result of this effort, the firm are
leaders in their industry.
able to develop a long-term following
which helps to build on their current sta-
What do Latham and Watkins do
tus as a thought-leader.
When firms fails to do this,they are less
News bulletin-style updates
likely to develop a relationship with
Latham and Watkins are very good at
prospects and encourage them to invest
frequently tweeting useful and informa-
in their product.
tive updates for their followers. This
type of social content can be charac-
International appeal
terised as very much like a news bul-
In addition to these points, Latham and
Watkins occasionally tweet updates
which are intended to appeal directly to
foreign markets:
Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 58 of 63
Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency
Although this doesn’t happen too often,
Given that Latham and Watkins use
it demonstrates how popular and widely
their account primarily to promote their
regarded Latham and Watkins are across
own publications, they don’t spend a lot
the globe. By tweeting in different lan-
of time sharing interesting content from
guages, it also helps the firm to have in-
other sources. This is unfortunate be-
ternational appeal and help them to
cause there are a variety of advantages
reach a much greater audience.
for legal firms who do this.
It’s much easier to build on international Sharing great content from prestigious
business relationships when firms take
publications help to solidify a firm’s stathe time to understand foreign cultures.
tus as a thought leader in their industry.
It demonstrates that the business have a
How can this be replicated?
good knowledge of the events which are
currently effecting the legal sector.
Update Twitter regularly
If other firms wish to replicate this suc-
Communicate with individuals
cess, then they should consider setting a
If one looks through Latham and
timetable in place so that they can up-
Watkins’ Twitter account, it quickly be-
date their social media accounts on a
comes evident that the firm are good at
regular basis. This is vital for develop-
sharing quality content. However, they
ing good prospect relationships and en-
receive very little back in terms of re-
suring that brand awareness is max-
sponse. Their content is useful but it
doesn’t entice clients or encourage them
to start a dialogue with the firm. This is Appeal to a mass market
a common problem for many legal firms
Taking the time to communicate with
and Latham and Watkins are no differ-
non-English speaking clients in their na-
tive language demonstrates commitment
on behalf of the firm. Many legal firms
To overcome this issue, it would be a
in this report have offices across the
good idea for Latham and Watkins to
world but only communicate directly
create social content which communi-
with those who speak English. This is
cates directly with users. This would in-
very unfortunate and potentially limits
volve using more emotive language and
the outreach of their publications.
asking questions. These efforts could
help the firm develop meaningful rela-
tionships with their clients and nurture
How can Latham and Watkins im-
them for longer periods of time.
Share other publications
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Give a platform to students
It’s now common policy for legal firms
to develop close working relationships
with many of the most prestigious uni-
versities throughout the UK. This is ex-
tremely profitable, for a variety of rea-
sons, but it cannot be achieved fully
without a comprehensive social media
However, this is something that Latham
and Watkins have not yet implemented.
Twitter is a great tool for students to
contact prospective employers and learn
more about a firm.
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The tweet is useful, informative, and is