Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts by Mike Ellsmore - HTML preview

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cation. Overall, BLP are very good at

producing social content which helps to

engage with users from a wide profes-


sional background.


Sharing great content from quality pub-




In addition to this, BLP make it com-

Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) can be

mon practice to share useful publica-

described as a full service legal firm

tions from esteemed Twitter accounts.

who have established for themselves a

This helps to provide BLP’s followers

prestigious reputation across several

with plenty of variety and helps to es-

continents. With 11 offices in total, they tablish the firm as a respected thought-provide a wide range of services for

leader in their industry.

their clients, including in finance, intel-


lectual property, and real estate.


Overall, BLP are continually ranked

amongst the top 20 legal firms based in


the UK. They hire over 850 employees

For example, the BLP Twitter account

across the globe and have offices in Eu-

frequently shares tweets from Legal

rope, Asia, and the Middle East.

Week; helping to keep their followers up

to date with the latest news affecting the industry. This a very useful tactic in

helping to raise brand awareness across

What do Berwin Leighton Paisner do

a large audience platform.




How can this be replicated?

Engaging content


BLP are very good at making their legal

Send out useful content

reports more accessible to the average

If users want to develop a substantial

user through engaging social content.

Twitter following and increase their dia-

Here is an example:


logue with prospects, then it would be

beneficial to give audiences content that

is actually helpful to them. Sharing in-

teresting articles, with a personal spin, is much more useful than simply tweeting

Prominent London Legal Firms and Their Twitter Accounts 61 of 63

Online Ventures Group, an Inbound Marketing Agency

news updates. This is something that

social media is to improve their business

BLP have proven themselves very good

relationships. Twitter provides legal

at doing.

firms with the opportunity to share con-

Be friendly on Twitter

tent directly with individuals who are

BLP have succeeded in making their so-

invested in the brand. Over long periods

cial content much more accessible by

of time, this helps to generate leads and

using personable language on Twitter.

increase brand awareness.

Many legal firms struggle to strike the


balance between formality and friendli-

Use more images

ness on Twitter; meaning that their Twit-

tweeting out visuals is important for

ter accounts can feel too conservative.

users who want to give themselves an

This is something that BLP definitely

edge. By doing so, it makes it much eas-

don’t do and they are good at creating

ier for legal firms to create more eye-

engaging content that people actually

catching and memorable content. Over-

want to read.

all, BLP need to use more visuals to


help to distinguish their brand from their tweet regularly


One of the most significant reasons for

BLP’s success is that they promote qual-

ity content on a frequent basis. Rather

than updating their Twitter feed once a

day, or less, they make a consistent ef-

fort to provide their followers with use-

ful information. This is an important

lesson for any firm who wants to im-

prove their social media status
