Quick Fixes For Your PC or Laptop by Ava Jean - HTML preview

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About the author

My Name is Ava Jean; I have worked in the IT field at a hospital for around ten years. Before that I worked in different area at the hospital. I used to hate calling the IT Help desk because sometimes the person on the other end of the phone would make me feel stupid. I don’t know about anyone else but I HATE that feeling. So I went to school for my Computer Support Specialist Associates degree, while going to school I was able to get an Internship at the hospital I worked at, which turned into a full time job. The one thing I always told myself while going to school is I was never going to make anyone feel stupid when I helped them with an issue, because I did not like that feeling so why would I make anyone else feel that way.

Since I started working IT, I also went back and received my bachelors in IT Management. Let me tell you it is hard to go to school, work two jobs and have a family, but it was well worth it because it gave me a diverse education in a way. School taught me the “tech terms” and how everything works on the back end. Working in the field as an Analyst taught me everything you were never taught in school. Which let’s face it; I have to say 90% of what I do every day I was not taught in school. Also working the field helped me better understand the needs that customers and how they learn. Having a family, going to school and working two jobs help me know how to handle stressful situations and still as my kids say keep my cool.

Taking what I learned throughout this process has helped me be the person I am today. I am proud to say most of the employees where I work all know my name and come to me with issues. I am not saying it is because I am smarter than anyone I work with; because I am sure I am not. I think it is because of the way I handle and help everyone with issues.                                      

Going that extra mile for the customer while not making talking down to anyone really goes a long way in the eyes of those you are helping. You have no idea how many times I hear “Man, I sorry that was really stupid of me.” From the employee I am helping, my response to them is always the same “If everyone knew everything about computers, I would be without a job” Which is true, I would be out of a job if everyone knew everything in my field.