Rx Money by Stefan Palczewski - HTML preview

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Hey folks Marketing Pap here.


Wouldn’t that be nice to write your own “money prescription”? Turns out that you can, but most likely goes by different name. So let’s figure out together if that proposition is correct.

While you are sick you go to a doctor asking for help with some health issues. The doctor most likely will give you a prescription that you will take to the pharmacy and get your medication. As a result of taking that medication your health problems will go away.

Now, let’s look on your situation or financial health.

You are working hard and what you earn is only to pay for the bills and get by. Or worst there are no jobs in your area. As a single person you might go where the jobs are. But what if your situation is more complicated.

Some of you are single parents and I know how that feels from my own experience. It is very painful when you have to tell your kids that they can’t go for summer vacation, or buy them gifts on one of their birthdays. You may hide your tears or pain all you want but that is not going bring any money to you.

Or you are a student drowning in debts. You are from struggling pure family and you are trying to make better life for you and your family. And all those part time jobs you have, are not enough. Don’t give up I will show you how to work less hours for more from your dorm.

You might be retiree that somehow was looking with anticipation to your golden years, yet somehow that golden egg is much smaller or worst is not there anymore.

And the medical bills that you might have won’t pay themselves. And there is always that question – “how can I afford home care”.

So like with medical prescription you are desperate to have some way to fil your “money prescription” because you don’t want to continue live like that. And yes you can accomplish that thanks to that wonderful tool call Internet.

To overcome your “sick” money situation is to either get another job or find a way to create income stream fulfilling your financial needs. In short “Money Prescription”.

Internet in itself will not fulfill your “money prescription”, you need more than that. You already have the most important part with you; the will to change your run out “money prescription”.

With the invention of Internet, it’s much easier and cheaper to reach potential customers. There is also a good thing about it; there are absolutely no age or gender restriction. If you are willing to learn new things or follow step by step instructions, you will succeed.

Word of caution though. Website is not an online business; some think it is. But it’s only a medium, a tool for communicating with your customers (audience). At this point if you are committed to change that dreadful financial situation, you need to take some personal inventory.

This part is the most important, here it is time to realize that your professional experience, hobbies and interests are your assets, as well as unique talents can help you write that “money prescription”. I hope that you are also aware that you can do that at your pace, and from your home. With time if you are committed all your financial worries will be history

I want you to realize that you are unique individual with great talents more worth than those of most “gurus”. There is no difference between you and them, only belief. You need to be aware of that. None of this online marketers came to money overnight. It’s a process and you know it’s truth. We are all walking yet you did not, when you were born. Do you know any healthy person that is not walking? So how come we all know how to walk? Well we did not give up at trying. Not even after falling on our butts for a while.

Earning money online is like that. You need to make small steps first before you can run. As someone once said; “Journey of a thousand miles begins with first step”.


Before you start anything go and hung around Internet (Facebook, Twitter, Google Trends, Yahoo Answers) to feel if you are comfortable with the Internet, and most importantly what people are searching for, what answers are they looking for, or solutions to their problems.

Once you decide to earn money online make sure that you are doing so because you want to, not because you have to. Otherwise all your efforts will at some point be for nothing. You need to figure out this on your own.

So now I will present to you some ideas how you can fill out that “money prescription”. All this can be done from wherever you are, at your convenience and at your pace. All you need is computer, Internet connection and attitude that you can. Because you do. And here is how I made my first dollar online.