The Complete Guide to Making Money Online by Mark Collier - HTML preview

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Product sourcing

Lets be honest how many of us know how to approach a wholesaler and why wholesalers usually aren’t interested in working with online retailers. How many of us can access 8 million products with the click of a button. Before I joined worldwide brands I had already got my first product (used golf balls) and I was looking to get a relevant product (new golf balls) and I knew the new golf balls would do $200,000 in sales each year. So I contacted the manufacturer (worldwide brands will teach you how to do this but I had figured it out). The manufacturer then got back to me asking for my tax ID and everything else they look for and I blew it by telling them I was just starting out as an online retailer with no tax ID, of course I didn’t get the account with the wholesaler. I lost $200,000 in turnover that year and then turned to worldwide brands. Don’t let it happen to you so sign up for worldwide brands now.