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The Formula In Action

Now that we’ve discussed the three X’s in the Fastest Way Formula, I want to give you a

better understanding of how all three work together.

The whole formula is like a car. Subscribers are the gas. Clicks are the pedal.

You push send to push the pedal. EPC is your steering wheel.

When you choose an offer, you have the EPC and after you mail, you have an EPC. The

destination you want to reach in the car is money.

Where is your car? It’s your opt-in page. Where is your gas pedal? It’s in Get Response

or your autoresponder you’ve chosen. Where is your steering wheel? JV Zoo, Clickbank,

and Warrior Plus.

If you let your real car sit around with gas in it, what happens?

The gas will evaporate, right?

The same is true for your internet marketing car.

The longer you let the car sit (not mailing), the faster your subscribers will evaporate.

The livelihood of your subscribers is about thirty days.

You will get people on your list that will be consistent clickers and openers. They will

always be clicking and opening.

Other people on your list will either click and come back, in a cycle, or drop off after

thirty days.

It looks like this.

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The line of clickers, or the Click Bar, is the straight horizontal line. When you get more

subscribers, you move the Click Bar up and get more clickers. It looks like this.

After you get subscribers, you have to get clicks. Your subscribers dictate clicks and

clicks dictate EPC.

To increase your clicks, increase your subscribers. How do you increase your


Traffic. If you don’t have people opting in, you don’t have subscribers.

So let’s go over a couple of free methods you can utilize to get traffic and one paid way I

personally use every single day.

Free traffic method number one is making a list of all the keywords or search terms that

people in your market would be searching for.

Find the top ranked blogs, forums and question and answer sites where those keywords

are showing up.

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Post a short message on those sites about your free giveaway, whether it’s a report,

video, or piece of software.

Obviously, you want to pick sites that are related to the market you’re in.

You don’t go to a weight loss website and post about free software to make money.

Not only is that stupid, it’s also spam and we don’t want to do that. If the site is

reasonably related to what you’re offering, people will welcome the opportunity to get

something for free.

Free traffic method number two is posting on free and paid general classified sites like

Craigslist and etc.

You can also go to internet marketing niche sites like Warrior Forum or Digital Point.

Warrior Forum has a section specifically for people who are selling things. They also

have a classified ads section.

Another option is this JV program or joint venture program. You can do a joint venture

with someone else or you can do a swap, which is where the two of you agree to send

out each other’s product.

The third free traffic method is writing articles or making videos to post on high traffic

sites like YouTube and Ezine Articles. (YouTube has close to a billion visitors every


That’s a billion unique visitors every month, watching everything under the sun. You

may know that Google is the number one most used search site but were you aware

that YouTube is number two?)

The articles and videos you post on these sites can get ranked inside the search engines

for more traffic.

The great thing about using these sites is that once you post your article or video, they

live forever.

That video could get you traffic for years to come.

The last free traffic method is very sneaky and little known.

Many people do searches online and ask questions before purchasing a product. These

people will post, “I’m thinking of buying this product to build a website.

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Has anyone tried it?

Which one is the best?”

That person is obviously going to spend money.

They are ready to buy.

Now, what you can do is go in and post a response to their question in which you say

that you don’t know much about that particular product but let me suggest you try my

product that I’m giving away for free.

Maybe it will work for you and you can save some money. The person who put up the

question will try your product and register on your list because you’ve given him

something valuable that he needs.

He’s very likely to invest a lot of money in your products because you’ve solved a

problem for him, for free and he was already willing to spend money.

The hidden bonus in this is that other people will find that post when they are looking

for information about buying that product.

Then they’ll see your post.

Now that we’ve covered four free methods to get traffic, let’s cover the last way to get

traffic that I use all the time.

If you know what you’re doing when you purchase, it’s a low cost way to get traffic to

your page.

Buy solo ads. A solo ad is when you pay someone to send our your offer to their list and

then you get new subscribers from their list.

I purchase solo ads from several different places. One place that I buy from is called Safe Swaps is a platform to buy and sell solo ads. You can register an

account for free if you only want to purchase solo ads. Your account will be slightly

limited but you can still purchase as many solo ads as you want without any trouble so

there is really no reason you should get a paid account.

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On Safe Swaps, after you log into your account, click on the words “Search” on the top

right of the screen.

Once the page loads, you’ll see you can search for solo ad providers by price, rating or

minimum clicks they sell. After you find someone you want to purchase from, you hit

buy solo ad. Fill in all the details, including your tracking link and swipe file.

A tracking link is a link you give to a solo ad provider to track the amount of clicks they

send you. You can then pay by using Safe Swaps or by using PayPal.

A note about tracking links: I personally use

Another way you can buy solo ads is by going out and finding providers through

searching the term ‘solo ads’ or even asking people in forums, such as Warrior Forum.

There is nothing wrong with doing it this way but it’s a little trickier. You want to make

sure that you are purchasing from someone who is reputable and you may not always


With Safe Swaps, you can click on someone’s name and see their reputation. Every time

someone buys a solo ad from that person, after they receive their clicks, they leave a


You will see what kind of traffic was delivered, how timely they were in delivering, etc.

If you purchase from someone’s solo ad website, you only see the testimonials they

choose to show you.

So what do you do?

I recommend that the first time you purchase a solo ad from someone, whether it’s on

Safe Swaps or anywhere else, you only purchase 100 clicks the first time. 100 clicks will

give you a clear indication of what their traffic is like. It will show you, without spending

too much money, how their list responds to your offer. By purchasing only 100 clicks,

you haven’t invested too much money into that person. I suggest you start out with 100

because there are people out there who are scammers. There are people who send

crap traffic or don’t even send at all. To protect yourself from these people, you have to

be diligent and cautious.

Always track your clicks and opt-ins on your own. They will often send a

report/screenshot with their data from what they use to track but you want to double

check and make sure they aren’t fooling you. I also recommend that you use PayPal

and a credit card on file with PayPal to purchase solo ads. I do this because if there is a

problem and I don’t receive my clicks from a provider, I can quickly go to PayPal and get

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a refund. If there are any problems with getting a refund, I have extra assurance with

my credit card company that they will fight for me and get my money back.

These are just suggestions but I urge you to listen to this advice.

Many people have made money off of people who weren’t cautious and paying


Don’t be one of those people who gets scammed by someone masquerading as a decent

solo ad provider.

Keep systems in place to monitor what you receive and make smart decisions when


Always know your numbers. Remember, numbers don’t lie!

Here’s the process for buying solo ads:

 Identify someone to purchase from.

 Buy at least 100 clicks.

 Give them swipe file with link to your page.

 They mail your email swipe to their list.

 Clicks go to your opt-in page.

 A % will opt-in and become subscribers to your list.

Here’s the lessons I’ve learned about buying solo ads:

 Buy 100 clicks or the lowest package first (So if the lowest they offer is 250 clicks,

that’s the one I’ll buy.)

 Make sure you are purchasing unique clicks. (If you, me and my friend Shawn

click on a link two times, that’s 6 raw clicks but only 3 unique clicks.)

 Use credit care as payment method when purchasing through PayPal.

 Give a transparent email. “Go to this page and get the free report by opting in.”

 When I’m paying to get clicks, I want to make sure they are working hard to get

those clicks. I want to make sure that the clicks I’m getting are qualified and

know what they’re getting themselves into when they click.

 Track clicks yourself.

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 If the solo ad you purchased goes well, go bigger. Buy a bigger package. After

thirty days, if that goes well, buy the max amount offered. Then, if that works

out well, set up to buy from that provider monthly.

 Build a relationship with the solo ad providers you are purchasing from. Find out

how often they are refreshing their list with new subscribers.

Now if you don’t want to invest money into getting traffic, invest your time by doing


To get anything you want in life, it will take your time, money or both.

A great place to do swaps with other list builders is through It’s truly a

great site!

A swap is when two parties agree to mail out each other’s offer to their list for the same

amount of clicks.

For instance, if me and my friend, Shawn, do a swap and decide to do 100 clicks, then I

will sent out his offer to my list and he will send out my offer to his list. We are each

guaranteeing that we get the other person 100 clicks.

After you get subscribers to your list by using the paid or free traffic methods, then you

need to get clicks.

Your first goal is to get to 100 clicks.

Why? It’s because all the numbers make sense at 100 clicks. Your second goal is to get

to 1,000 clicks.

A lot of the big name players in the industry are at 1,000 clicks and some send more but

if you get to 1,000 clicks, you’ll be better than the average internet marketer out there.

To increase your clicks, you can do several things, one of them being to increase your

subscribers, which we just discussed.

The second thing you can do is by using your subject line at the end of the redirect link.

If your subject line is 100 Dollars Next Week, then your link at the end should be

/100DollarsNextWeek. The reasoning is if the subject line got them to open up the

email, it should get them to click.

The second way to get more clicks is by using a blind email. Remember earlier when I

mentioned transparent emails. A blind email is the opposite. The purpose of a blind

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email is to build curiosity. The only way for someone to discover what it’s all about is by


The third way to get more clicks it by mailing twice a day.

You can double your clicks this way but this can be a double-edged sword.

If you mail twice a day, you will run out of gas faster. You will need to get more

subscribers faster than if you only mail once a day.

Remember the click line we talked about earlier? It shrinks your click line in half if

you’re not adding more people. It speeds up the whole process. Your click line will go

from this…

To this…