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Final Thoughts

I received an email from one of my clients the other day, updating me on her progress.

She wrote, “I love the Fastest Way Formula. It’s so simple and easy to use. I always

remember the three X’s and I am constantly asking myself, ‘How can I increase the X?’

and ‘If do this or that, how will it affect an X?’ “

Increasing any X in the formula will equal more money in your pocket. The best place to

start increasing X’s is with the first X, subscribers.

Over time, your list will need to be replenished with more subscribers.

Like we talked about in chapter nine, the longer you sit without mailing or the more you

mail, the fastest you will run out of gas (subscribers). To keep playing the game, you

must consistently be adding subscribers to your list.

As you become more skilled in building your list, you may find yourself wondering how

much to spend to get subscribers on your list.

The answer is an easy concept to understand and you may already be familiar with it if

you have a business background.

China Dave, who definitely understands operating businesses, had this to say, “I think

my average EPC is around $0.50. That number will determine how much money I’m

going to spend on building my list. I can spend as much as I want to up to $0.50 to get

subscribers. Sometimes I will even spend more than that because it’s not necessarily

about getting my money back the same day. It comes down to the lifetime value of my


It’s not so much about how much it cost to get that customer but how much that

customer will pay you over time.

If you paid $50.00 for 100 clicks ($0.50 per subscriber) and you made $1000.00, that’s

20 times return on investment.

Was it worth it to spend the $50.00 to get $1000.00? You bet it was!

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Once you’ve got subscribers on your list, consider two things when picking offers for

your email sequence.

The first thing is to look for membership sites or re-bills. I love membership sites and re-

bills because you mail once and make money for months to come.

The second thing to look for is high ticket items.

Many people miss out because they think their list won’t purchase something priced

higher. Trust me, they will.

Give them a wide variety of offers to choose from. Your sequence should have low

priced items, starting at a couple bucks, going all the way to high priced items, ranging

anywhere from $500 - $3000.

Another way to make more money is by creating your own product. After two years of

making money mailing affiliate offers, I went to ClickBank and created my own product.

I crushed it on ClickBank. How? By first finding affiliate offers that worked and made

the most money. Let me explain how easy it is to figure out what products you should

be creating, if you’re interested in creating your own product.

When we go fishing, we use a fish finder. It finds where the fish are. Bet you couldn’t

have figured that out on your own, right? You throw in your line and catch the fish

easier by using it. I do the same thing when I send out affiliate offers. If I notice an offer about Facebook works, then I go and find another Facebook offer. If Facebook is

working, that tells you that you should go create a product about Facebook yourself.

Most people make the mistake of thinking up a product without knowing if it’s going to


If you mail and it works, guess what you do? Instead of making 50% commissions

because most affiliates charge 50%, create a product and make 100% commissions.

Why waste your time and energy creating a product that will never sell?

Use your email list as a fish finder to find the things that will sell. Find out which one

works. Use that data and create something similar to it. You can then bank 100% of the

profits. Now you’ve turned your EPC from 1 dollar to 2 dollars. You keep 100% of the


Let people vote with their wallet by what they purchase. If you think that one day

you’re going to create a YouTube course, go find affiliate products for YouTube. Find

the top selling offers and send it to your list to see if your list wants to buy that. If they 39 | P a g e

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do, they’ve voted with their wallet. It shows you what your list wants and what you can

make money with as a product.

If you have a Gmail account, then you may have seen the 61 effect. The 61 effect is

when Gmail allows emails with the same subject line to stack up to 61. When an email

with the same subject line comes in it, it stacks it with the other email that has the same

subject line.

Here’s what it looks like.

Nothing’s better than waking up in the morning when you have 61 orders stacking up

every time you look, telling you that someone has purchased your product again.

When you use affiliates, you have to log into your account but when you create your

own product you can login to your email and see how much you’ve sold.

On the other hand, there are some people who say they don’t want to sell something

unless it’s their own product.

That’s stupid.

Strictly by selling other people’s stuff, I made 2.1 million dollars. That’s a lot of money

deposited into my bank. I didn’t have to handle customer support. I didn’t have to

handle the transactions.

I didn’t have to handle anything! I just literally sold other people’s stuff. It’s a great way to get started. The other reason I like sending out other people’s products, or affiliate

offers, is because I know I can’t produce everything for everybody. There’s not enough


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If there is something I know my list desires and I can’t produce it, I can go and find it.

Lastly, to make more money, you must mail every single day. I know I’ve already

mentioned this but it’s so important, I want to repeat it here.

Every day you mail is an opportunity to make money. Don’t miss out!