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The Formula

Here’s step by step how to get big results online fast. If you haven’t started taking notes

or highlighting text, this is where you start.

I’m going to share with you a formula and this exact formula is what I used to make $2.1

million dollars online in one year.

Disclaimer: I’m not a mathematician. My math is Matt’s math. (My wife Stephanie says

my formula is mathematically incorrect and if you’ve ever taken a beginner’s algebra

course, you’ll know she’s right.)

The formula is…

X + X + X = $$$

It’s really that simple.

I came up with the original formula while at my company I owned before the IRS came

into my life.

The company was called Frontier Marketing. We were doing about $3.2 million dollars

in that company alone and my other 14 companies were doing millions of dollars as


While running Frontier Marketing, I came to understand my business model by breaking

it down into X’s.

Frontier Marketing’s business model, in the simplest terms was X + X + X = $$$.

The three X’s were CD + Scheduler + Events.

I had page where people filled out their information to get a free CD. Once they filled

out the information, a scheduler would then pick up the phone and call them. The

scheduler sold them an event, where they would show up and learn from a guru, me.

So this model at Frontier Marketing was a guru business model.

After the IRS came, I knew that I couldn’t use any vendor I used before and my attorney

advised me to not sell any of the products I previously sold. So I said to myself, “I can’t

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

do the free CD. I can’t do a sales team. I can’t do the free events. I can’t use the guru

model. I can’t sell the same stuff. So what the heck do I do?”

Then it hit me. In a moment of clarity, I remembered my closet of cassettes and VHS


You’re probably familiar with Tony Robbins and guys like him. I used to buy cassettes

and VHS tapes of his and other motivational speakers through a distributor.

In my closet, I kept all my inventory of these tapes. Finally, I said to myself, “This is

dumb. What good is it to have a closet full of inventory if I have nobody to sell it to?”

That was a pivotal moment for me. It was at that moment that I started building a list. I

knew I needed to focus on getting people that want to buy stuff instead of focusing on

what to sell. Once I had buyers, I could find something to sell. That was the easy part.

From my previous experiences in the internet marketing world, specifically as a list

builder, I knew that building a list was the most valuable list I could ever create and that

it is the fastest way to make money online. An email list is when you collect people’s

email address for the sole purpose of mailing offers to them.

To build an email list, you need to focus on three things.

Subscribers, Clicks and EPC (earnings per click).

Subscribers + Clicks + EPC = $$$

Andrew Liles began his journey into the internet marketing world in 2012.

Here’s what he had to say on my formula. “The formula was a little different to me at

first because it doesn’t make sense as a normal math equation, but with this ‘new

math’, you’ve narrowed focus down to the essence of the business – subscribers, clicks

and earnings per click. I’ve heard you say, if what you are doing has nothing to do with

any of these three, then don’t even worry about it. These three things are the main

foundation for building your income.”

He brings up an excellent point that sums up the reasoning behind creating a formula

like this.

It’s a tool to help you narrow down the focus of any business.

When you take a business model and break it down into three simple parts, it’s easy to

understand how to profit from that business.

You can take the formula X + X + X = $$$ and apply it to any business.

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

For instance, if you have a plumbing company, when you break it down to its simplest

form, you get three X’s- phone calls, appointments and completed jobs. It looks like

this phone calls + appointments + completed jobs = $$$.

One thing to take into consideration is that the formula won’t work if any of the X’s

equal 0.

My assistant and a couple of my students have corrected me on my formula saying it

should be X * Y * Z = $$$ because if one of the variables equals 0, then the whole

formula equals 0.

Mathematically, they are correct and if it helps you to understand this point, please

think of it that way in your head as you read along.

The fact is that you can’t get clicks unless you have subscribers. You can’t get EPC unless

you have clicks.

The formula won’t work if you have a 0 in any part of the equation and also if the

second X is not higher than 100. (We’ll discuss why the second X must be higher than

100 in an upcoming chapter.)

Over these next few chapters, we are going to delve deeper into the three X’s so you will

gain a complete understanding of how these three things are going to make you money

but first, let me explain what you need to get started.