The Fastest Way by Benson - HTML preview

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How To Get Started

The first thing I did was buy a domain. It didn’t matter where I got it from but I had to

find a domain. An example of a domain would be

A couple of things to keep in mind when purchasing a domain name. Keep it simple.

Make sure the domain name is consistent with what will be on the page.

Don’t use product names unless of course, it’s your own. And also, just as a general

rule, try to stay away from using numbers, dashes and underscores in your domain


Next I purchased hosting. Hosting is… Personally, I like to host all my stuff on a Unix or

Linux server.

I do not like to host it on a Windows server. Everywhere I go, it seems as if everybody is

using Macs. It is usually a more stable platform. However, I use PCs. Yes, on purpose. I

force myself to use a PC because I know what my customers use.

All of my customers use PCs. Therefore, I use a PC so that I can understand my

customers. When I create my trainings, I’m using a PC so it doesn’t interfere with the

experience my customers have. Why don’t I use a Windows server to host my stuff?

Think about the blue screen of death. That’s why you want to make sure you are

hosting on a Unix or Linux server.

Before deciding on a hosting provider, consider closely the features that they provide.

Don’t base your decision just on price because a site that offers cheaper hosting per

month may not have all the features you need. It’s also important to think about the

company’s support. What kind of support do they offer to their users? Check on

reviews of the companies you are considering. See what their customers say about their

services and customer support.

This should give you a good overall idea of what you’ll be getting yourself into if you

choose a particular provider.

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

After I purchased hosting, the next step was getting an autoresponder. An

autoresponder is email service that allows you to send out emails to a large group of

people and set up a sequence of emails to send out to your list. I didn’t want to have all

my eggs in one basket so I got multiple autoresponders from different sources.

Out of all of them, the autoresponder I like the best is

The way works is that basically for each subscriber you have in there,

you pay x dollars (per subscriber). The thing I like about it is they handle all the email

delivery. They handle everything for you.

There are two things to keep in mind when choosing an autoresponder- statistics and


Choose an autoresponder that shows you all the important statistics. To have a

profitable business, you need to know your numbers and that includes how many

people on your list are opening your emails, how many emails bounced, how many

complaints you have, etc.

Deliverability is an important aspect in deciding on an autoresponder because if your

autoresponder isn’t delivering, you’re wasting your money. Once again, check on

review sites and see what people are saying about the autoresponders you are

considering. Find out what statistics you’ll be able to view and the deliverability rate of

each provider.

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Lastly, I went out and set up an opt-in page. An opt in page is a page where people opt-

in (subscribe) to your email list in order to get a free product. Essentially, they are filling out their email address into a form that collects it for you to use later. I will tell you the one thing the IRS couldn’t take away from me was anything I purchased from my own

pocket so I got to keep a few things.

Everything I built in my companies went away but anything I personally bought I got to

keep. This was one of the pages I was able to keep. It’s an example of an opt-in page. It

says, “How to build a large mailing list that will become your own ATM machine.”

(I call my computer the ATM machine and my wife’s computer the Vault.)

This is what an opt-in page looks like. It’s designed to get people to opt-in to your email

list. This form is created by Get Response. So when people fill in this form, they’re going

into my Get Response account so I can send an email out to them.

When I’m at my land, I use an Get Response’s app they have for mobile devices. I can

login to my Get Response account and push send. It’s kind of cool. I can be anywhere

and still make money.

The trick to creating an opt-in page that will interest people in giving you their email

address is to give them something valuable for free. My go-to product to give away is a

report or a PDF with valuable information. You could also give away an audio file, a

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

video series or even software. (My good friend and neighbor, Shawn Casey, gives away

software.) Decide what will work best for the type of list you want to create because

the bottom line is that you earn people’s trust and attention by giving stuff away.

People think, if this guy gave me this for free just for giving my email address, I can’t

imagine what I’m going to get when I give him my credit card.

To review, here are the steps you must take to start making money online:

 Purchase a domain

 Purchase hosting

 Find an autoresponder

 Set up an opt-in page

Now I started out with the intention of getting big results.

I wanted to do it a lot faster because what you don’t realize is when you’re making a lot

of money, and then all your income goes away overnight, you’re put in a position where

you have still all your personal expenses and it isn’t a pretty picture.

I literally didn’t have any money at the time so I needed to figure out a way to squeeze

out every dime out of the traffic I had coming in.

Traffic is basically just the people who come to your opt-in page. (We’ll talk more about

how to get traffic in a later chapter.) I knew I could build my list by getting more traffic

or I could maximize that traffic.

This is where I got really good.

I maximized my traffic by having a converting opt-in page.

You’ve got to have a converting opt-in page.

Think about this. If you get 10,000 people that come to your page and you get 0 people

that convert or opt-in, then basically all you have is a big goose egg. You have 0. The

answer is 0. You won’t make money.

So to make money, you must have a converting opt in page, which bring us to the first X

in the formula

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!